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Who was the most effective leader of the National Government between 1931 and 1945?

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1 Who was the most effective leader of the National Government between 1931 and 1945?

2 Learning objective – to be able to examine and analyse the record of each leader of the National Government. I can describe the actions of each leader of the National Government. Grade D I can explain what each leader of the National Government did. Grade B I can explain and assess the significance of each leader of the National Government and reach a substantiated conclusion. Grade A

3 Starter – What is the message of this well-know David Low cartoon?

4 Who were the leaders of the National Government between 1931 and 1945? Ramsay MacDonald 1931-35 Stanley Baldwin 1935-37 Neville Chamberlain 1937-40 Winston Churchill 1940-45

5 What challenges did the leaders of the National Government face between 1931 and 1945? Economic threats – each leader had to deal with the aftermath of the Great Depression. Opposition – each leader had to deal with the opposition the House of Commons provided. This was mainly through the Labour Party. Rise of extreme politics – each leader faced the potential rise in extreme politics, particularly from the right and Oswald Mosley. Foreign policy threats – each leader had to deal with the growing threats from abroad from, the issue of rearmament, through to appeasement and war.

6 Main task Your task is to research the record of each leader of the National Government looking at their record in foreign policy, economic policy, dealing with extreme politics and handling the growing opposition from the Labour Party. For each leader of the National Government, you will need to create a Top Trumps card for them. The frameworks for these are given to you to fill in. You will need to summarise their achievements in each category in bullet points and give a mark out of ten for overall success in that area based on your research. You can complete this task in groups of four and will be given information and readings to help you complete the task. Extension task Who has the best overall record of leader of the National Government between 1931 and 1945? Explain your answer.

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