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AGM of The National Forum for Assertive Outreach Mike Firn –Chair Kevin Brenton- Treasurer Stewart Smith -Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "AGM of The National Forum for Assertive Outreach Mike Firn –Chair Kevin Brenton- Treasurer Stewart Smith -Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGM of The National Forum for Assertive Outreach Mike Firn –Chair Kevin Brenton- Treasurer Stewart Smith -Secretary

2 Summary of Forum activities 08/09 against objectives

3 Chair’s Highlight Report 1 &2 Regional strength. 7 out of 8 regions active. Acting as central point for first hand information and support on health of AO teams. 1&4Web site re-launch 5Annual conference 2008 most successful to date. 296 delegates. 9Research relevant to clinical practice and policy. Named applicant in 2 Major randomised trials.

4 Treasurer’s Report Accounts 2008-2009 Forum Income Funding to the Forum 2008 Conference Forum Banking Arrangements

5 Treasurer’s Report Expenditure Regional Meetings Steering Group Forum Accountants Mutual Trading Status Corporation Tax

6 09/10 Forum Objectives Revisions from 08/09 Objective 8 (08-09) To maintain links between the National Institute for Mental Health in England and the Department of Health through the 8 Regional representatives and CSIP Regional Development Centres, influencing the development of assertive outreach policy and practice in England. Propose revised to Objective 8 (09-10) To influence the development of assertive outreach policy and practice in England, and to support colleagues in other nations in developing and implementing their policies for AO, learning from our experience. See also objective 4

7 Elected and co-opted Representation Structure and Update Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Voluntary Sector. All 8 regions represented. 6 elected and 2 co-opted since last election June 2007. Co-opted posts Carers – Peter Mallagan Research Advisor-Tom Burns Service Users – Fallen vacant- seeking nominations Special Projects- Kath Dixon ( in perpetuity!!!!!)

8 Election process and outcome Election process Time Scales – process started Jan 09 web site and mail outs. Invite to nominations and then voting packs sent out to members All elected posts filled except Voluntary Sector.

9 Elected and re-elected

10 Discussion and Questions

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