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BEEF CATTLE. BRAHMAN –AMERICAN BREED –Horned –Red, white, various colors. Slick hair –Pendulous skin neck dewlap –Heat tolerance –Maternal; insect resistance.

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Presentation on theme: "BEEF CATTLE. BRAHMAN –AMERICAN BREED –Horned –Red, white, various colors. Slick hair –Pendulous skin neck dewlap –Heat tolerance –Maternal; insect resistance."— Presentation transcript:


2 BRAHMAN –AMERICAN BREED –Horned –Red, white, various colors. Slick hair –Pendulous skin neck dewlap –Heat tolerance –Maternal; insect resistance –Humped –India/Brazil

3 BRANGUS AMERICAN BREED Black Polled 3/8 Brahman 5/8 Angus Heat tolerant Early maturity

4 BEEFMASTER Texas 1/2 Brahman 1/4 Shorthorn 1/4 Hereford Red or dun color Horned

5 SANTA GERTRUDIS AMERICAN BREED King Ranch Cherry red color Rough rugged terrain of south Texas Heat tolerant Maternal

6 SIMBRAH AMERICAN BREED Developed in U. S. 5/8 simmental 3/8 Brahman Any color Horned or polled Modern, lean, high quality beef product.

7 TEXAS LONGHORN AMERICAN BREED Descendant of the Spanish cattle. Long horns Various colors, including spotted. Longevity, hardiness, adaptability. Low birth weights.

8 CHAROLAIS –EXOTIC BREED –France –Light straw in color –Horned or polled –Large, heavily muscled beef breed. –Fast growth rate.

9 CHIANINA EXOTIC BREED Italy White to steel gray and have black pigmented skin. Good feed efficiency Increased rate of gain Calving ease Well muscled

10 LIMOUSIN EXOTIC BREED France Wheat colored Polled or horned Increased rate of gain. Lean, flavorful beef Large muscular

11 MAINE-ANJOU EXOTIC BREED France Dark red with white markings. Horned or polled. Lean Muscular

12 SIMMENTAL EXOTIC BREED Switzerland Red and white spotted, fawn or straw colored Dark red to black. Heaviest milking

13 ANGUS ENGLISH BREED Scotland Polled Black Hair Black Skin Maturity Good milk ability Excellent marbling

14 HEREFORD ENGLISH BREED England Medium to dark red White face, crest, dewlap, underline, flanks, switch. Horned

15 POLLED HEREFORD ENGLISH BREED Iowa Polled Coloring same as horned Hereford.

16 RED ANGUS ENGLISH BREED British Isles Red in color due to homozygous recessive gene. Polled

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