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3/15/2016COMP 6551 Who am I? Mihajlo Jovanovic –Pronounced like “Mee-high-loh Yovanovich” Names used in.

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Presentation on theme: "3/15/2016COMP 6551 Who am I? Mihajlo Jovanovic –Pronounced like “Mee-high-loh Yovanovich” Names used in."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/15/2016COMP 6551 Who am I? Mihajlo Jovanovic –Pronounced like “Mee-high-loh Yovanovich” Names used in distributed communication

2 3/15/2016COMP 6552 My background Computer Science Education –MS (2002) – University of Cincinnati –B.A. (1997) - Otterbein University Adjunct Faculty at Franklin University since 2007 –COMP 121 –COMP 321 –COMP 655 Application Architect, Emerging Technologies, Enterprise Systems, JPMorgan Chase

3 3/15/2016COMP 6553 My research interests Enterprise systems architecture, distributed systems Rule engines (AI) Emergent Internet technologies Publications

4 3/15/2016COMP 6554 Who are you? Form pairs or a circle Talk for a couple of minutes Introduce the other person –Name –Where did they do undergraduate study? –Level of experience with network programming –Level of experience with Java –If currently working in the IT industry, Where do they work? What do they do there?

5 3/15/2016COMP 6555 A word about privacy Your personal information is private, including –Phone number –Grades I cannot email a grade

6 3/15/2016COMP 6556 Submitting assignments Mechanics: –For written assignments, and the drop box –For code, use the drop box Do it before 6pm EST on the due date  DON’T be late –It’s better to submit unfinished stuff on time –Max credit 75% for late assignments up to one week late – NO assignments accepted if more than a week late –Talk to me ASAP in exceptional cases

7 3/15/2016COMP 6557 About plagiarism

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