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Conflict with Mexico CH. 11 SECTION 4. Conflict with Mexico Mexican president, Porfirio Diaz, had come to power in 1877 Mexico was in sad shape Diaz’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Conflict with Mexico CH. 11 SECTION 4. Conflict with Mexico Mexican president, Porfirio Diaz, had come to power in 1877 Mexico was in sad shape Diaz’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conflict with Mexico CH. 11 SECTION 4

2 Conflict with Mexico Mexican president, Porfirio Diaz, had come to power in 1877 Mexico was in sad shape Diaz’s first goal was to impose order=foreign investors

3 The Mexican Revolution 1910-Diaz ran for re-election Force and fraud=8 th term as president In the south, Emiliano Zapata led a rebel army that demanded land for the American Indian peasant population A wealthy landowner, Francisco Madero, organized against Diaz as well Rebel forces defeated Diaz’s troops in key cities in northern and central Mexico May 1911, Diaz resigned and went into exile in Paris

4 Madero

5 Emiliano Zapata

6 Mexican Revolution continued… Madero won Mexico’s first democratic election in 30 years The US recognized him as president Led by Diaz’s nephew, supporters of the former dictator rebelled against Madero 10 days of violence Madero’s commanding general, Victoriano Huerta, seized control He imprisoned Madero (was murdered for trying to escape)

7 Revolution continued… Four major rebel armies tried to fight Huerta However, their leaders never united to fight against Huerta

8 US intervention Huerta soon gained recognition from most European nations Woodrow Wilson was outraged by Madero’s death and refused to recognize Huerta as the leader Tampico-The USS Dolphin had been stationed in Mexico to “watch” Huerta Several crew members went ashore for supplies and were arrested and later released The US demanded a formal apology from a government in which it did not recognize On April 20, Wilson appeared before Congress to ask for approval to use forces against Mexico

9 USS Dolphin

10 Veracruz Before Congress could act, Wilson learned that a German ship transporting arms to Huerta was heading for Veracruz US forces stopped the ship Argentina, Brazil, and Chile met to solve this crisis In July, Huerta resigned and fled to Spain

11 Pancho Villa’s raid March 1915, Venustiano Carranza became provisional president The US recognized Carranza as president and this upset Pancho Villa March 1916, he entered New Mexico to get revenge Wilson pursued Villa This almost led to a war so Wilson withdrew troops Carranza drafted a new constitution

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