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Goddess Girls By Joan Holub. The Ladies of Olympus When they were girls.

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Presentation on theme: "Goddess Girls By Joan Holub. The Ladies of Olympus When they were girls."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goddess Girls By Joan Holub

2 The Ladies of Olympus When they were girls

3 In Ancient Times There Lived…

4 ...some very special girls with some very special abilities...

5 One could even say they were divine

6 Athena...she must learn to live among immortals and take her rightful place. Brilliant Athena is at the top of her class in Athens. Summoned by her father, Zeus, to attend school on Mt. Olympus....

7 affect the outcome of life on earth.... Little does she know that her creative class projects and inventions

8 And that model horse that was hollow? It changed the outcome of a ten-year war.

9 Athena the Brain & Athena the Wise Read By Joan Holub

10 Persephone

11 Hades Despite warnings from her friends on Mt. Olympus, Persephone befriends bad-boy Hades.

12 But following her mother’s advice to “go along to get along” complicates her relationship with all of them.

13 Persephon e the Phony Find out how it all started between Persephone and Hades Read

14 Aphrodite Goddess of Love & Beauty

15 The Golden Apple of Discord After giving Athena a makeover,...a race which will either result in his death or their marriage. Aphrodite focuses on how to help a friend win a race against Atlanta...

16 Oh, and that golden apple? It was credited with starting the Trojan War.

17 Aphrodite the Beauty Read

18 Artemis

19 While protecting transfer student Orion, Artemis makes a mistake that... to prove her courage to herself and others at Mount Olympus Academy. later provides her with the chance that she has both hoped for and dreaded...

20 Read Artemis the Brave

21 Life as a Goddess? It isn’t always Divine

22 Read Goddess Girls by Joan Holub

23 Works Cited Holub, Joan and Suzanne Williams. Goddess Girls. New York: Aladdin, 2010. McLeod, Kevin. Atlantean Twilight. Online Music. 2005. 26 February 2011..

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