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Finding the Kingdom. Introduction, House Keeping, Upcoming Events 50% 1-on-1 session for you or a loved one Class Overview, this class and the next 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding the Kingdom. Introduction, House Keeping, Upcoming Events 50% 1-on-1 session for you or a loved one Class Overview, this class and the next 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding the Kingdom

2 Introduction, House Keeping, Upcoming Events 50% 1-on-1 session for you or a loved one Class Overview, this class and the next 2 quickly

3 Like Us on:

4 Conscious Wellness in Edmond 2/3 – PBRC #1 - 6:30-8:30 pm Starting 2/4, then every other Thursday – Healing and Support Group 6:30-8:30 pm Starting 2/11, then every other Thursday – Advance Healing & Psychic Technique Classes – 6:30-8:30 pm 2/24 - PBRC #2, 6:30-8:30 pm Radiant Living Center 2/15 - PBRC #2 – 6:30-8:30 pm UU Church – Stillwater 2/6 – PBRC #1 – 6:30-8:30 pm


6 Albert Einstein E=MC 2 Thought -> Energy -> Matter Everything is made of Energy, subatomic particles that vibrate and move at different speeds, thus creating matter Everything is an illusion, a figment of your imagination

7 Energy Healing, Intuitive What does Energy Look like What does Energy feel like

8 What do they look like? Where are they located? Can they be seen by the human eye? Can anyone take them off? Can you pop them all off at once? You take them off to Ascend up and put them back on to Descend back down

9 The Process Connect with Source, Heal & Total Block Removal  The process must be followed  It can be sped up, but there may be some symptoms involved What to expect  Instant Healing, Shift in Consciousness, Happier thoughts and feelings, Deeper Sense of Knowing, Knowledge  Soreness, body changes, mind changes, detoxing, purging, hot & cold flashes Putting the caps back on to Descend  What does that feel like & mean Ascension Symptoms

10 The Silver Cord  Most Healers use this connection and is the main connection for Healing power This connection is comprised of Light Energy  This cord can not be removed or cut; or the person will die  Connected at the top of the head into the Crown Chakra and all the way down the Chakra system with tentacles/veins that run throughout the body

11 Root – Physical Vitality, survival, earth attachment Sacral – Desire, Sexual Energy Solar Plexus – Self identity, creation of Self Heart – Love, Compassion, Empathy Throat – Speaking your truth, Creative Expression, Communication Third Eye – Psychic Insight, Visualization, Creativity Crown – Spiritual Connection, Spirituality, Connection to Source/God Spirit Portal – Above the Crown Chakra, portal to Spirit world

12 Connected to the back of the neck with one main connection and smaller ones on the sides Is typically comprised of tentacles that circulate throughout the body and apply caps/blocks This cord provides visions, colors and is typically used by most Psychics and Mediums to access Planes 1-4 This connection is comprised of earth/psychic energy The Earth/Psychic Cord

13 People that use this cord for their source of energy are typically into earthly things like crystals, rocks, tarot, oracle cards, information gathering of all kinds This cord can be removed temporarily/permanently based on the individuals wants/needs This cord must be removed in order to Ascend

14 What are they? How do they exist Limitations of the Earth/Psychic cord in the dimensions through the planes Ascending upward, with the next two classes


16 How to correctly maneuver through them Raising your Vibration

17 What does it look like Arch Angels/God to help Extending it up and down Eliminating holes in the protection Turning the protection up and down, amplifying it and keeping it on

18 Jesus said: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all things shall be done unto you.” The Kingdom is inside you

19 Starting at your Heart Center and travel up the Silver cord Un-ground yourself The 4x4 breath Removing the Earth Psychic Cord Going up through the Crown, pulling back the film and pushing up through Traveling to Source and letting go Seeing, sensing and removing blocks Visions will be less because the Psychic cord is pulled Asking God, AA’s and Spirit for help Bringing down a piece of the flame Increasing the opening of the Silver Cord to increase the flow of God/Source energy and bringing that energy back down into the heart Descending and putting the caps/blocks back on

20 5 minutes

21 So Let’s Begin!

22 Like Us and Please share your experience on: 50% 1-on-1 session for you or a loved one Class #2 Overview, Healing of Mind, Body & Soul To get this presentation: Click on the Class Material, enter: PBRC#1 Stillness Exercise


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