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Eco & Health What we have achieved so far

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1 Eco & Health What we have achieved so far

2 Biodiversity We have created an orchard at the front of the school
Plants in the squirrel garden and outdoor classroom have been watered and cared for We used Morrisons vouchers to buy gardening equipment The Zoo lab showed us different animals and told us how to help protect them against litter P7 made bird feeders, homes for hedgehogs and insect hotels Woodland area created and used for outdoor reading/drama activities Whitelee Rangers helped P7 tidy up and plant in the outdoor classroom

3 Health We used Tesco vouchers to buy
Cooking club resources We have enjoyed different Eco and Health Action Week activities We celebrated world porridge day by making and tasting porridge We enjoyed lots of different activities during our health evenings Some classes have made bread and fruit smoothies Primary 5, 6 and 7 have learned about Heartstart with Mr Campbell We took part in the Foods Standard Agency and Whole foods Competitions P6 & 7 enjoyed a week in Castle Toward and York Each stage was visited by a sporting champion including a Tennis and fencing expert We have taken part in different events such as cross country, Celidh dancing and Netball tournaments We have had 2 Judo assemblies

4 Water P4 made bottles for collecting rainwater and placed them in the outdoor classroom. They used this to water the plants Primary 2 made posters that are on the Toilet doors to encourage you to turn the taps off We encourage people not to waste water Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day

5 Waste We take part in the Rag Bag collections each year
We took part in the Silly Sausage Campaign to stop wasting food We recycle ink cartridges, batteries, plastic, mobile phones, clothes, batteries and paper. Many classes recycled or reused materials to make rockets, bags, or Christmas decorations Food waste is weighted and recorded by the kitchen staff

6 Litter Whitlee Rangers spoke to P7 about dangers to wildlife
P6 took part in a litter study and made a PowerPoint to show at assembly Litter posters were displayed in St Cadoc’s church and the local shops Children take turns to use the Litter pickers during break

7 School Grounds The RSPB visited P2 and 3
and showed them how to identify different birds Outdoor classroom was tidied up and wild flowers planted P5 and P3 made bird feeders We planted new trees in the P2 area Primary 5 planted vegetables in the outdoor classroom Activity Trail and MUGA are used for physical exercise Primary 1 garden club kept the plants watered

8 Sustaining Our World The teachers use Fair trade tea and coffee
We celebrated Climate Change Day We enjoy a Fair trade tuck shop We support SCIAF and Mary’s Meals We celebrated Human Right’s Day We took part in Burundi day

9 Transport The Junior Road Safety Officers made a leaflet to inform parents of safer parking areas P7 complete cycling proficiency each year We have arranged a ‘walk to school’ day every term Speeding Ted was used as a stimulus for teaching children to ride their bikes safely in P1-3

10 Energy You are encouraged to switch off lights/PC’s when not in use
Energy Saving leaflet for parents was made by the Eco and Health committee

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