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The Marketing Playbook for API & SDK Adoption Kate Pietrelli.

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Presentation on theme: "The Marketing Playbook for API & SDK Adoption Kate Pietrelli."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Marketing Playbook for API & SDK Adoption Kate Pietrelli

2 2 You’ve made a great PRODUCT You’re ready to welcome in DEVELOPERS How do you get developers AWARE of your product, PRIORITIZING integration into their deck, and providing valuable FEEDBACK?

3 3 Have You Addressed the Following? Product PricingPeople PositioningPromotion

4 4 Marketing Plays 1.Messaging 2.Flagship Customers 3.Press Engagement 4.Thought Leadership 5.Lead Generation

5 5 Start Early, Don’t Wait Goal –Build up awareness and anticipation to launch Approach –Messaging tests –Build initial leads and identify potential case studies Takeaways –Stronger launch initiative –Credibility

6 6 Play 1: Personalize Your Messaging Target Audience Who do you need to reach and convince? Value Proposition What specific benefits does your product provide? (up to 5) Tailor and Test, Test, Test What resonates with your audience? Is it something tangible (cost savings, time) or intangible (deeper understanding of their users)?

7 7 Play 2: Identify Flagship Customers Lends validation and credibility to your story Leverage for opportunities: –Media Opportunities –Case Study / Testimonial –Promotional Materials –Events

8 8 No Pressure, but Timing is Everything

9 9 Building Demand Around Launch Goals –Brand Awareness and Discovery –Buzz Around Your Product –Action Approach: –Media Relations – Stories, News Coverage –Thought Leadership – Presentations and Content

10 Goal –Brand Awareness and Discovery –Buzz Around Your Product Approach –Pitch story and demos in advance –Reach target audience –Leverage case study Results –Articles Published –Inbound calls, site visits and emails 10 Play 3: Leverage Press Opportunities

11 11 Play 4: Drive Thought Leadership Goal –Build Credibility of Team –Deliver Messaging Approach –Speaking and presentations –Interviews –Editorial Results –Visibility and introductions –Inbound calls and emails

12 12 Sorry for Party Rocking When does it make sense to spend? Goals –Fast, Broad Awareness –Cast a Wide Net –Mass Audience –Tied to Milestone –No Case Study Results –Over 130 Facebook games live in 6 months

13 13 Play 5: Ongoing Lead Generation Program Goal –Inbound Inquiries –Build a Quality List of Leads Approach –Create different offers –Develop informative content –Create urgency Takeaways –Always be testing messaging and content

14 14 Create Content People Can and Want to Share Videos Infographics Case Studies Research Reports Presentations White Papers

15 15 9 Critical Threats Campaign Goal –Drive Webinar attendance –Engage customers with new product Approach –Email campaign to contact database –LinkedIn ad campaign –Landing page on the website –A|B Testing Results –Increased email open and click rate –Webinar signups from new and repeat customers

16 16 Don’t Forget Your ABC’s Take every opportunity to capture contact information from leads: –Call to Action –Landing Page –Signup Form

17 17 Free Presentation: The Marketing Playbook for API & SDK Adoption Download this free presentation and learn: Help your product rise above the noise Get developers to prioritize your product Learn about the best channels to market your product Questions? Kate Pietrelli

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