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Gender Inequality and Violence Global. Global Perspective Globally females are discriminated against in areas of education, politics, and paid employment;

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Inequality and Violence Global. Global Perspective Globally females are discriminated against in areas of education, politics, and paid employment;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Inequality and Violence Global

2 Global Perspective Globally females are discriminated against in areas of education, politics, and paid employment; furthermore, they are frequently subjected to acts of male violence. –Of the one billion adults around the world who cannot read, two-thirds are women. –No national legislature has as many women as men. In most nations, women hold about 11% of the seats in parliaments and congress. –In every nation in the world, women average less pay then men.

3 Although women make up a little over 51% of the U.S. population, they represent only 10% of the nation’s murderers. One quarter of all murder victims in the U.S. are female and nine out of ten times, their killers are male. Judges tend to be more lenient with women murderers than men murderers. Murder in the United States

4 Violence Violence against women continues to be a global human rights issue. Historical examples of violence against women include: –Foot binding in China –Witch burning in Europe Current Examples include: –Rape –Wife beating –Forced prostitution In some societies, a women who as brought disgrace to her family is killed by a male relative, in a practice referred to as “honor killings” #46196619 #46196619


6 Boys and girls from the Saraniya community wearing garlands pose for pictures after their engagement ceremony at Vadia village in the western Indian state of Gujarat March 11.

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