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Presentation on theme: "THE PRECEDENT-SETTING PRESIDENT George Washington 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Key Constitutional Terms 2 Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Federalism or The Federal System: National State Local Powers: delegated/enumerated/expressed implied powers = d/e/e + n & p clause reserved concurrent

3 The First Steps First Congress elected 1788, 1 st session in March 1789 (NYC) Washington a unanimous choice: April 30, 1789 First task: to organize departments of new executive Establishment of first Cabinet: Judiciary Act of 1789: 1. Chief Justice, 5 Associates 2. “judicial review” of state courts, laws 3. 13 district courts, 3 circuit court of appeals 3

4 Hamilton’s Financial Program National debt paid off at face value (funding at “par”): Assumption of state debts: Tariffs (Tariff of 1789): Excise tax (Whiskey Rebellion, 1794): Create national bank: 4

5 Foreign Affairs French Revolution: Proclamation of Neutrality (1793): “Citizen Genet:” The Jay Treaty (1794): The Pinckney Treaty (1795): 5

6 Domestic Concerns Native Americans: Treaty of Greenville The Whiskey Rebellion (1794) Western lands: 1. Public Land Act of 1796: 2. Three new states: Vermont (1791), Kentucky (1792) and Tennessee (1796) 6

7 Development of Political Parties Origins Differences between the parties: 1. leaders: 2. view of the constitution: 3. foreign policy: 4. military policy: 5. domestic policy: 6. chief supporters: 7

8 Washington’s Farewell Address Washington warns Americans: 1. not to get involved in European affairs 2. against the United States making “permanent alliances” in foreign affairs 3. not to form political parties 4. to avoid sectionalism Washington established the two-term precedent. 8

9 The Adams Presidency Wins election by 3 electoral votes; Jefferson VP (12 th Amendment in 1804) Accomplishments: 1. federal government moved from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. 2. Department of Navy established; Marine Corps 3. Library of Congress established 9

10 Controversy! The XYZ Affair: The Alien and Sedition Acts (also, the Naturalization Act): The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions: 1. “compact theory:” 2. doctrine of nullification: 10

11 11 Crisis fades due to two developments: 1. Federalists lost their majority in congress after the election of 1800; new Republican majority either allowed act to expire or repealed them. 2. Supreme Court under John Marshall asserted its power as the court of last resort in deciding whether or not a certain federal laws was constitutional.

12 Revolution of 1800 Federalists swept from power in both executive and legislative branches. Jefferson – Burr tie (settled by House of Representatives) Passing of power from one political party to another accomplished without violence. Federalists accepted defeat and quietly relinquished power. 12

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