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 Welcome to our second seminar!. Can you believe we are almost at the mid term? You all have been doing a wonderful job and I’m sure the second half.

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Presentation on theme: " Welcome to our second seminar!. Can you believe we are almost at the mid term? You all have been doing a wonderful job and I’m sure the second half."— Presentation transcript:

1  Welcome to our second seminar!

2 Can you believe we are almost at the mid term? You all have been doing a wonderful job and I’m sure the second half of the term will be just as good! As always, if you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. I am happy to help!  Does anyone have questions before we get started?

3  In unit 4, you must complete the discussion board where you can raise questions and share information about the paper due this week. Your paper is to be 3 pages in length.  Short Paper: Hypothesis and Conclusion  Choose one of the scientific methods of research inquiry (survey, interview, observation, statistical data collection, etc) and write a short hypothesis and conclusion, based on your method of inquiry. Your point of focus must be centered on the professional practices of criminal justice practitioners.

4  For instance…how many of you feel that law enforcement is better equipped to handle terrorism post 9 – 11 ?

5  Do you think airline safety has improved since 9-11?  Is it good enough that we can feel confident when we fly?  Are there any glaring shortcomings to airport security today?

6  Your paper must include the hypothesis, content that outlines what method you chose and how you gathered your evidence and a conclusion.  Don’t forget to utilize the student checklist to ensure that you have met all of the requirements for this assignment.  If you have any advice or tips for completing this assignment, don’t forget to add them to the discussion board!

7  Week 5 – You’ll be nearly halfway through the course! There is light at the end of the tunnel!  For this unit, there are no assignments due. You should, however, take the time to:  Review Previous Reading assignments  Check in with your Academic Advisor  Visit the My Community page on KU Campus My Community  Explore U-Tools U-Tools  There is also a link for “Rules for Writers” so you can refresh your memory!

8  In Unit 6, you will have a power point presentation on Leadership due.  This presentation is a bit longer…20 slides. In your PowerPoint presentation, you should provide information, as well as differentiate, amongst the roles of the following areas in criminal justice leadership strategies and practices: organizational culture, behavioral theory, planning, and community relations.  There is also a wikihow link on the desk page in case you need a refresher on how to make a power point presentation.

9  What are some of the strategies used by law enforcement in community relations?  Do you think any programs are more effective than others?  What type of community relations programs does your local police department have?

10  In Unit 6, there is also a discussion board that you must participate in. It’s a great place to exchange ideas and tips for the current power point project.

11  In Unit 7, you will need to demonstrate the ability to utilize information and resources to make sound operational decisions in criminal justice agencies  You must complete the following in this unit:  Complete the Scenario Project: Investigative Plan  Participate in the Discussion  Look through the Take a Break tab - there’s a great video on how investigators foiled a cop killeing plot

12  Your project for this week is an interesting one. It is another scenario in which you are the chief of police. You need to create a plan to resolve the increasing daytime robberies occurring in your jurisdiction. You will present your plan to the mayor and public at the next meeting.  It sounds like a challenge. As a chief there are many things to be considered.

13  What might your first step be to analyze the data to come to the best solution for stopping these robberies? What are some things you would look for?  Would you need to buy any special equipment?  What type of manpower would you use for this scenario?  Would you need any special technology?  How would you allay the fears of the public?

14  That’s it seminar 2 everyone! Thanks for a good seminar!  Our next seminar is March 24 at 8 pm Eastern Time.  You will receive an invite to the seminar and I will post a reminder in the announcements.  As always, if you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or on AIM at cherylahorwath.  See you all on the boards!

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