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The interaction between the media and the public opinion: social media becoming a source of information in Luxembourg LU EMN NCP David Petry 04 November.

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Presentation on theme: "The interaction between the media and the public opinion: social media becoming a source of information in Luxembourg LU EMN NCP David Petry 04 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 The interaction between the media and the public opinion: social media becoming a source of information in Luxembourg LU EMN NCP David Petry 04 November 2014

2 1.General information on Luxembourg 2.Immigration to Luxembourg 3.Research project 4.Analysis of online newspapers 5.Explanation of topics 6.Quantitative analysis (See Annex 1) 7.Summary of comments 8.Analysis 9.Conclusions

3 1. General information on Luxembourg

4 Area : 2.586 km 2 Population: 549.680 Total Luxembourgish citizens: 300.766 Total foreigners: 248.914 EU citizens: 241.390 (86,2%) Third-country nationals: 34.524 (13,8%) Source: STATEC 01/01/2014

5 Total domestic workforce: 370.409 Total residents: 207.043 (55,9%) Luxembourgish residents: 105.453 EU citizens residents: 90.013 TCN residents: 11.578 Total cross-border workers: 163.365 (44,1%) Belgium: 41.302 Germany: 40.394 France: 81.669 Source: STATEC 2 nd trimester 2014

6 2. Immigration to Luxembourg

7 2 nd half 19 th century 194819501970 Labour immigration from Germany and Italy Bilateral agreement with Italy; German immigration stopped after the Second World War Bilateral agreement with the Netherlands Bilateral agreement with Portugal and the Republic of Yugoslavia Major immigration waves to Luxembourg

8 Source: STATEC 01/01/2014

9 Source: Directorate of immigration, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs

10 3. Research project

11 First picture of comments of articles on immigration in the social media in Luxembourg

12 4. Analysis of online newspapers

13 Online newspapersNumber of visitors of 12 years of age and more % of the population Total audience341.800 71.8% www.rtl.lu122.500 25.7% 80.70016.9% 53.70011.3% 22.5004.7% (local) 9.0001.9% 6.6001.4% Most consulted online newspapers of Luxembourg Source: Study TNS ILRES Plurimedia Luxembourg 2013/2014 Press release

14 5. Explanation of topics

15 4 chosen topics for the initial research: 1.Nationality law 2.Immigration law 3.Reception facilities 4.Right to vote 2 chosen topics: 1.Reception facilities 2.Right to vote

16 6. Quantitative analysis (See Annex 1)

17 TopicOnline newspaper Number of articles Highest number of comments per article Total number of commentsFacebookTwitterGoogle+ Reception facilitieslequotidien.lu38213/// rtl.lu11941795310 tageblatt.lu21311501391040 Right to votelequotidien.lu2337/// rtl.lu12437 8832900 tageblatt.lu19543792961200

18 7. Summary of comments

19 Reception facilities  “…We have enough problems here in Luxembourg. We should first redress the balance here!” (, 31.05.2011)  “…The ministry has only to send them back and housing problems will be resolved no?!...” (, 31.05.2011)  “ …Criminality has risen. One only has to read the newspaper and one will see who are the people who break into houses…” (,20.04.2011)  “…We shouldn’t let them in. Enough with this asylum tourism at OUR expense!…” (, 01.02.2012)

20  “There is no war anymore in the Balkans and some are already part of the EU, so why accept refugees who aren’t ?” (, 31.05.2011)  “…Why don’t we speak to them rather than talk about them? Why is it so difficult to share, to understand? Why all this fear? Why this hate? Why?” (, 15.11.2011)

21  “…It’s a fact that it will not be long before Luxembourgish nationals will be outnumbered…” (, 17.03.2014)  “If foreigners don’t take our nationality, than they don’t want to vote either!” (, 24.08.2014)  “To Luxembourgers only!!! Living in the country and speaking the language… For me it’s a categorical NO to voting rights for all…” (, 25.06.2014)  “…They pay taxes, social contributions and generate prosperity in our country with their workforce…” (, 28.01.2013) Right to vote

22 8. Analysis

23 Content of comments similar among newspapers Negative comments outreach positive comments Negative comments as an expression of xenophobia Positive comments as a reaction to negative comments Snowball effect creation of discourses Creation of discourses aggressiveness of comments Provision of additional information

24 9. Conclusions Snowball effect Comments ≠ public opinion Im/balance of comments vs. social media Perspectives First step of a broader research project In-depth analysis of discourses

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