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Prentice Hall Chapters One and Two. Qualities of Good Writing Ideas: share unique ideas and insights Organization: info in the right order and right amount.

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Presentation on theme: "Prentice Hall Chapters One and Two. Qualities of Good Writing Ideas: share unique ideas and insights Organization: info in the right order and right amount."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prentice Hall Chapters One and Two

2 Qualities of Good Writing Ideas: share unique ideas and insights Organization: info in the right order and right amount Voice: let your personality show Word Choice: use precise words with precise meanings Sentence Fluency: sentence variety Conventions: follow the rules

3 Types of Writing Modes: the form or shape writing takes Reflexively: is for you and from you Extensively: for others and from others

4 The Modes Narration Description Persuasion Exposition Research Writing Response to Literature Poetry and Drama Writing for Assessment

5 The Process of Writing Prewriting: explore ideas; choose a topic; gather and organize details Drafting: get your ideas on paper in rough draft form Revising: correct errors and improve content and form Editing and Proofreading: fix conventions Publishing and Presenting: share it

6 Prewriting Reviewing Newspapers and Magazines Narrow your topic Use a Topic Web Broad Topic: Television Shows Television Shows News Evening News SportsMorning News Pre-Game Game Coverage Dramas Hospital Law Firm Narrowed topic: Law Firm Television Dramas

7 Before Drafting, Consider Audience 1. What is the average age of my audience? 2. What do they know about my topic? 3. What details will be most interesting to my audience? 4. What background do I need to provide?

8 Before Drafting, Consider Purpose Inform? Include facts, details, and examples that show your subject in a new light. Reflect? Summarize an experience, while focusing on what you have learned. Persuade? Include reasons and arguments to support a position

9 Gathering Details Parts of Speech Word Web Topic: A rainstorm NOUNS: Rain Wind Damage Fear ADJECTIVES: Cold Loud Noisy Electric VERBS: Darkening Pouring Slamming Flooding Rippling ADVERBS: Violently Quickly Surprisingly

10 Hexagonal Writing: helpful for writing about literature Summarize or paraphrase the work. Note ideas or experiences the selection suggests to you. State the message the work conveys. Cite Evidence To support The theme. Name other literature with a similar theme. Plot Personal Allusion Theme Analysis Literary Allusion Evaluation Decide whether you liked the work.

11 Narrowing Your Topic Broad: Pets Narrow: Bringing a new pet home Narrower: How to house-train a puppy Broad: Cities Narrow: Hollywood Narrower: Spotting celebrities in their cars

12 Drafting Focus on the Form Pull readers in with an enticing lead Compelling quotation Vivid description Ask a relevant, thought-provoking question Shocking or controversial piece of info

13 Providing Elaboration The SEE Method Statement: After a long day, Andy was ready to leave. Extension: At eleven o’clock, he cleared his desk and grabbed his keys. Elaboration: As he walked out, he waved to the night guard and headed straight for the deserted parking lot.

14 Revising: Make sure your draft is well- organized and your main idea is clearly communicated. Scanning the Sequence Compare Body Paragraphs Tracking Sentence Lengths Circling “Be” Verbs

15 Editing and Proofreading Check your spelling. Check your grammar and usage. Review capitalization and punctuation. Double-check the facts.

16 Publishing and Presenting Build your portfolio. Reflect on your writing. Assess your writing.

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