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 Simony  Gothic  Urban II  Crusades  Saladin  Richard the Lion Hearted  Reconquista  Inquisition.

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2  Simony  Gothic  Urban II  Crusades  Saladin  Richard the Lion Hearted  Reconquista  Inquisition

3  910 Clumy in France › Monastaries led to spiritual revival › Return to basic principles › New religious orders  Popes expanded power and authority  The Age of Faith was born

4  Some priests nearly illeterate  Barley read prayers  Popes men of questionable morals  Bishop concerned more as feudal lord than religion

5  3 main issues › Village priests were married and had families against church rulings › Simony-Bishops sold positions in the church › Lay Investiture, kings appoint bishops reformers wanted the church to do it

6  Pope Leo IX and Pope Gregory VII enforced laws against simony and marriage  1100’-1200’ church restructured to look like a kingdom  Pope advisors called the papal Curia

7  Curia acted as a court  Canon Law on marriage, divorce, inheritance  Diplomats traveled through Europe for the pope  Church collected taxes in for of a tithe  Used money for the sick and ran most hospitals

8  1200’s monk and friars took vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience  Friars- begged owned nothing  Dominic- Spanish priest formed the Dominicans › Importance of study › Were scholars

9  Francis of Assisi- found the Franciscans treated humans and animals as spiritual brothers  1212 Clare and Francis founded Poor Clares and order for women  Women were not allowed to travel  Took care of the sick

10  Built in cities  800-1100 built in Romanesque style › Round arches › Heavy roofs › Thick walls › Pillars › Tiny windows

11  1100’s new style of architecture  Gothic-comes from German tribe (Goths) › Light from huge stained glass windows › Sculptures and wood carvings › Built like they were reaching the heavens

12  Notre Dame- 100 feet tall  500 gothic churches built between 1170- 1270

13  Urban II called for a Holy War  Crusades- had economic, political and social, religious motives  Muslims controlled Palestine and threatened Constatinople

14  Pope wanted to reclaim Palestine and unite Christendom  Split in 1054  Kings saw crusades as a way to get rid of some knights  Younger sons participated not likely to inherit from parents

15  Merchants prospered by loaning money for the Crusades  Leased ships to transport armies  Pisa, Genoa, and Venice wanted to control trade routes

16  Pope Urban’s call brought religious support  Those who died in the Crusade were assured to go to heaven  Red Cross on tunic  “God wills it”

17  1097 3 armies outside Constantinople  Ill prepared for war  Knew little of geography, climate, or culture  No strategy to capture Jerusalem  Captured the city July 15, 1079

18  4 feudal estates carved from 650 miles of land  Each ruled by a noble  1144 Edessa was captured by the Turks  Second Crusade organized to recapture the city (fails)  1187 Jerusalem falls to Saladin

19  To recapture Jerusalem › Three most powerful monarchs › Philip II of France › Frederick I German Emperor › Richard the Lion Hearted English King › Phillip argued and went home › Frederick drowned

20  Richard led the Crusade  Fought many battles with Saladin  1192 made a truce  Jerusalem in Muslim hands, but would allow pilgrimages

21  1204 4 th Crusade fails to capture Jerusalem  Knights loot Constantinople  1200’s 4 more Crusades, all unsuccessful

22  1212-thousands of children set out to conquer Jerusalem  Led by Stephen of Cloyes  No weapons  Died of cold and starvation  Some sold into slavery

23  Germany Nicholas of Cologne marched with 20,000 children  Marched to Rome  Most died  Met with Pope told to go home till older  2000 made it back to Germany

24  Muslims (Moors) controlled most of Spain  Reconquista-effort by Spanish to drive out the Muslims  1492 Granada fell to the Christian Army of Ferdinand and Isabella

25  Inquisition- court held by the church to suppress heresy  Heretics were people who belief’s differed from the church  Many Jews and Muslims converted in the 1400’s  Inquisition suspected Jews and Muslims as heretics

26  Suspects questioned for weeks  Some tortured  Once they confessed they were burned at the stake  1492 all practicing Jews and Muslims were expelled

27  Showed the power of the Church  European merchants expanded trade between Europe and Southwest Asia  Spices, fruits, cloths  Failure of Crusades lessened the power of the Pope

28  Weakened feudal nobility  Increased power of the kings  Fall of Constantinople Byzantine Empire  Intolerance and prejudice by Christians left legacy of bitterness and hatred

29  Relationships between Christians, Jews and Muslims leadership worsened  Jews in Europe face increased persecution  Led to growth in trade, towns and universities in Medieval Europe

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