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UNIT #1 – SETTLING THE WEST LESSON #5 –Ranching and Cattle Drives (77)

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT #1 – SETTLING THE WEST LESSON #5 –Ranching and Cattle Drives (77)"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT #1 – SETTLING THE WEST LESSON #5 –Ranching and Cattle Drives (77)

2 Cattle on the Plains Texas _________________ ___ ___________cattle roamed the plains ________ __________– open grassland owned by the Federal Government – Free ranging

3 Cattle vs. Buffalo

4 Describe what a LONG DRIVE looks like.

5 The Long Cattle Drives Civil War eliminated all cattle in the East Demand ______ – price _______ The only way to move cattle from West to East was to guide them Railroad made it faster Still… owners had to move cattle from ranches in ________ to __________ in Kansas Cowboys drove them to a 1866-1886: ____ ______________ head herded

6 The Cowboy The life of a cowboy: 3,000 “______ ” of cattle in a herd ____ cowboys; ____ horses each One _______ and chuck wagon Out in the weather Ride all day; protect cattle ___/___ Keep the cattle in a giant chunk Avoid ____________ Deter theft Go slow – lots of rest Keep cattle _______

7 The Cowboy Describe this man:

8 The End of the Open Ranges __________ herders started competing with cattle herders for open range land Sheep destroyed __________ Ranchers enclosed land with __________ ______ Prices _____________ by 1880s Nasty snow stormed killed off cattle Herds became domesticated Cowboys forced to become _________ ________ The Cowboy Culture _______ ____ ____ _____

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