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CHAPTER 7 A More Perfect Union. 1. Republic – Citizens elect their representatives. PICTURE Question/Answer OR Extra Fact.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 7 A More Perfect Union. 1. Republic – Citizens elect their representatives. PICTURE Question/Answer OR Extra Fact."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 7 A More Perfect Union

2 1. Republic – Citizens elect their representatives. PICTURE Question/Answer OR Extra Fact

3 2. Monarchy – Ruled by a King or a Queen PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

4 3. George Washington – American Revolution and Constitutional Convention PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

5 4. Federal System – Power divided between national and state governments PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

6 5. Articles of Confederation – First constitution of the U.S.; too weak PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

7 6. Bill of Rights – limits government power PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

8 7. Northwest Ordinance – Plan to settle Illinois and the ‘West’ PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

9 8. Enlightenment – Use knowledge; reason and science to improve society PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

10 9. Tariff – Tax imported on goods PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

11 10. Census – Official population count PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

12 11. Amendments – Official changes to a constitution PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

13 12. U.S. Congress – Benefits from the ‘elastic clause’ PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

14 13. Veto – Power to stop a bill PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

15 14. Great Compromise – Large and small states accept Congress design PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

16 15. 3/5 Compromise – Agreement on how to count slave population. PICTURE Question/Answer Or Extra Fact

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