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The Developing Nation The United States 1790-1816.

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Presentation on theme: "The Developing Nation The United States 1790-1816."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Developing Nation The United States 1790-1816

2 You will take notes here… Title and picture here Title and picture here Q: Answer question here Page 13

3 George Washington 1789-1796 His Cabinet: Secretary of State- Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury- Alexander Hamilton Purposely picks men with differing ideas to unite the country President Obama & President Lincoln did that also

4 Question (discuss with your elbow partner first) Why were his choices of cabinet members so important?

5 Whiskey Rebellion Whiskey Rebellion threatens new nation- “Taxation without Representation!” Washington and troops put down the uprising

6 Question (discuss with your elbow partner first) Imagine you are a Pennsylvania farmer faced with the whiskey tax. Describe your feelings and actions.

7 You will take notes here… Title and picture here Title and picture here Q: Answer question here Page 15

8 Conflict in the Northwest Territory- 1790s Why did the natives go to war? Battle of Fallen Timbers Treaty of Greenville “The trail has been long and bloody. It has no end.” Little Turtle

9 Question (discuss with your elbow partner first) Imagine you are a Native American. Why are the settlers wrong? Imagine you are a settler. How do you justify being on the land?

10 Farewell Address 1789-1796 Farewell address says: stay out of alliances avoid political parties “Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all…” G. W.

11 Question (discuss with your elbow partner first) Why is the President’s farewell address considered a significant historical document?


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