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Sense Perception Visual Illusions Selectivity of Perception.

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Presentation on theme: "Sense Perception Visual Illusions Selectivity of Perception."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sense Perception Visual Illusions Selectivity of Perception

2 Agenda O Discuss the four type of visual illusions O Discuss the selectivity of perception O END GOAL: Dig deeper into sense perception and start making your own connections to the material.

3 What do you see?

4 O “Father, Mother, Daughter” Picture O Why do you think we all see different things in this picture? Explain.

5 Perceptual Illusions O Perception = a lot is going on that we are not aware of O Conscious awareness, or lack there of O Sensation O Provided by the world O Interpretation O Provided by our minds O We are not often aware of our minds interpreting our senses

6 Perceptual Illusions O Four kinds of visual illusions O All arise from interpretation, not sensation O Context O Figure and Ground O Visual Grouping O Expecations

7 Context O The way we see something depends partly on the context in which we see it O The context of this pic, makes them look different sizes O PERSPECTIVE

8 Context O In every day life, we are constantly making contextual judgments without being consciously aware of it O Implication: we usually judge the size of an object by looking at the overall context.

9 Figure and Ground O Highlight certain parts of what we see, and treat the rest as background O Ambiguous figures O When looking at a paper, we ignore the white background and focus on the letters.

10 Visual Grouping O Natural tendency to look for meaning O We are not given a lot to go on, but we can still make out a man,

11 Expectations O We expect something to be there O That affects our perception because we rush over

12 Question 1 O We suffer not only from visual illusions, but also from illusions with each of our sense. Can you give some examples of illusions with hearing, touch, taste, and smell?

13 Role of Unconscious O Psychologists – many interpretations are made at an unconscious level O Generally: O Vision is a matter of light and wavelengths O Never think: oh, those patches of color are a desk. O Visual agnosia O Brain damage O Lose the ability to interpret what they see

14 Quote 3 O “Where there is no vision, there is no hope.” O George Washington Carver O What is the difference between vision and sight?

15 Quote 1 O “The only thing worse than being blind is have sight but no vision.” O Helen Keller O What does this quote mean? O What are some examples in your own life? Society?

16 Quote 2 O “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” O Jonathan Swift O What does this quote mean? O What are some example of what you can see that is “invisible” to other people around you?

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