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Seldovia Road Dust Monitoring (2012-2014) Presented by Tracie Merrill, Seldovia Village Tribe.

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Presentation on theme: "Seldovia Road Dust Monitoring (2012-2014) Presented by Tracie Merrill, Seldovia Village Tribe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seldovia Road Dust Monitoring (2012-2014) Presented by Tracie Merrill, Seldovia Village Tribe

2 Background Seldovia is a community of about 420 year round residents

3 Background Community of Seldovia is divided between “town”/first class city of Seldovia and Seldovia Village Very few paved roads (2 miles worth) – large majority of roads are dirt/gravel Jakolof Bay Road is the main road out of town– winds for ~12 miles Outside of the City limits, roads are maintained by the Kenai Peninsula Borough and State

4 Background Prior to 2012, calcium chloride was applied infrequently as funding allowed along Jakolof Bay Road Concern over high level of road dust In 2012, City was awarded funding for calcium chloride for one year although palliative is put down by Department Of Transportation

5 Background In 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 SVT awarded Tribal Air Quality Cooperative Agreements (EPA funded) through the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) In 2013 and 2014, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) loaned us air monitoring equipment as well and did free filter analyses for us In April 2014, air emissions inventory

6 Methods Phase I tribal air quality assessment and surveyed community members about air quality priorities Collect baseline PM-10 data DustTrak II and DRX aerosol monitors High Volume Samplers

7 Methods 2012: just DustTraks – Miles 2 and 4 2013 and 2014: DustTraks and high volume air samplers; Co- located at Miles 3 and 4 2015: DustTraks – Miles 3, 4, and subdivision R1 Subdivision R1

8 Methods May through October Every 3 days, 24 hour run cycles 2012 = DustTraks collected data every half hour Switched to every 15 seconds during runs

9 Methods Graph and analyze data Compare data to NAAQ standard for PM10: Average PM 10 value for a 24 hour run should not exceed 150 ug/m 3 (or.150 mg/m 3 ) more than once per year on average over 3 years

10 Results





15 Calcium Chloride makes a difference DustTrak aerosol monitors may be underestimating PM 1O levels on dusty days Although we have had days when the maximum PM 10 levels have exceeded.150 mg/m 3, we have had 1 exceedance of the average PM 10 value of a sampling run Large proportion of dust is made up of PM 2.5 Higher levels of dust at Mile 4 than at Miles 2 and 3 Conclusions

16 What’s next? We hope to do more air monitoring (maybe indoor air monitoring and/or on borough maintained roads; speciation; gravimetric analysis) Sediment analysis Continue sharing data with City, State, Borough, EPA, ADEC, ANTHC, and other Tribes Continue entering data into the Air Quality System (AQS) Finish air emissions inventory? Present at Conferences

17 Acknowledgements We want to give a big thank you to ANTHC, ADEC, and EPA for funding/support of this project To Jan Yaeger and Jordan Cameron for allowing equipment to be on their property All the SVT staff who helped with air monitoring (Tania Spurkland, Stephen Payton, Jan Yaeger)

18 Questions??? Michael Opheim 907-435-3247 or Tracie Merrill 907-435-3261 or

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