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Transition region (1) Transition region (2) Scaling (s-, Q 2,…) (3) Generalized Parton Distribution (4) Transition Distribution Amplitude (5) …

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5 Transition region (1) Transition region (2) Scaling (s-, Q 2,…) (3) Generalized Parton Distribution (4) Transition Distribution Amplitude (5) … Transition region (1) Transition region (2) Scaling (s-, Q 2,…) (3) Generalized Parton Distribution (4) Transition Distribution Amplitude (5) …



8 Constituent counting rule (CCR) at fixed pion angle (cms)

9 L.Y. Zhu, PRL 91, 022003 (2003)  N  N ; n-2=7


11 Leading twist in QCD for  + is dominant over sensitive to the consider higher-twist effect sensitive to the helicity-dependent GPD transversity-GPD at fixed x B and |t|

12 Vanderhaeghen, Guichon, Guidal (1999) LO calculation GPD Model Power correction Regge model (dσ/dt) Regge model (dσ L /dt) A. Airapetian et al., HERMES collaboration Phys.Lett.B 659, 486-492 (2008). arXiv:0707.0222v1 (2007).

13 Small –u, Large -t Q2Q2Q2Q2|t| |u|

14 Pert. Baryonic TDA e’   n u > @ CLAS   at 180 o @ Hall-C e’p  e’p  o @ CLAS JLAB 12GeV  *p  pJ/  @ COMPASS Small –u, Large -t

15 At, small |u| << Non-perturbative can not describe H → H transition Baryon →  transition Baryon → π transition (Baryon) (meson) J.P. Lansburg, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, PRD 75, 074004 (2007). B. Pire, K. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, L. Szymanowski, PRD 82, 094030 (2010).


17  Oct.,2001 ~ Jan., 2002  E0 =5.754GeV (pol. e), LH2 target  target position = 4cm upstream  Length = 5cm, Φ = 6mm  I B = 3375A  Trigger = EC in x EC tot x CC





22 ~850M event generated Reconstruction under same cuts as data calculate the Acc as function of Q 2, x B, -t, and φ* 1.Exclusive, Semi-inclusive channels have been compared 2.Missing mass cut applied : 3.5σ cut from mmx resolution (~20MeV) 1.Exclusive : including reaction = nπ+ 2.Semi-inclusive : including reactions = nπ +, Δ ++ π -, Δ + π 0, Δ 0 π +, ρ 0 p, ρ + n, pπ + π -, nπ 0 π +, ωp, pπ + π - π 0, nπ + π + π -, φp, pπ + π + π – π -, pπ + π + π – π – π 0, nπ + π + π + π – π –


24 Sample bins Rad on Rad off








32 guide line

33  We have measured the cross sections of p(e,e’ π + )n as a function of − t = 0.1 - 5.3 GeV 2, x B = 0.16 - 0.58, Q 2 = 1.6 - 4.5 GeV 2. − t = 0.1 - 5.3 GeV 2, x B = 0.16 - 0.58, Q 2 = 1.6 - 4.5 GeV 2.  Compared our differential cross sections to two recent calculations: Hadronic degrees of freedom (Laget Regge) Partonic degrees of freedom (GK handbag).  Two approaches differ in the relative contributions of the longitudinal and transverse parts of the cross section, in particular as x B increases  If the handbag approach is confirmed, the p(e, e ′π + )n process offers the outstanding potential to access transversity -GPDs.


35 First time compare data with hadronic degree of freedom Laget model : Reggeized   + and  + meson exchange in t-channel. Laget model : (1) Well-known (constraint) hadronic coupling constant (2) Main free parameters = mass-scaled electromagnetic form factors @  N vertex (3) Use of the standard mono-pole form factor  steeper t-slope than data (4)Agreement with data is achieved by recovering mass scaled form factors and depending on |t|. (5)The form factor is shrinking in size of the nucleon system as |t| increases. This size effect quantitatively same as  -electroproduction (6) Laget calculation already gives a good description of the photo-production data (SLAC and JLab) and HERMES electro-production data. Note that this calculation has not been adjusted to fit our data. (7) Calculation shows L-T crossing at –t ~ 1GeV2 overall kinematic regions. ( 8) The dominance of  L at low |t| is a consequence of the t-channel  + -exchange (pion pole) At large |t|,  + meson exchange which contributed by mostly to the transverse part of the cross-section begin to dominate. (9) Laget model contains not only t-channel meson exchange but also u-channel baryon exchange. This can be shown in certain kinematic region such as large |t| and small |u|.

36 GK model : handbag GPD formalism  L : mostly generated by the pion-pole (similar as Laget model) *** Important difference : treatment of the pion-pole calculation Laget model : t-channel propagator  s  (t)  (t) is the pion Regge trajectory Q2, t-dependent electromagnetic form factor allows to have s- x B -, t- dependent of the pion-pole GK model : t-channel pion propagator  1/(t-m  2 ) no s-dependence. The hadronic for factor at  NN vertex is only t-dependence.









45 High –t range Q 2 = 1.75GeV 2 Low –t range

46 Q 2 = 2.65GeV 2 Q 2 = 2.95GeV 2 High –t range Low –t range

47 Q 2 = 4.85GeV 2 High –t range Low –t range


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