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Working Group 8. How do we ensure students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills and the ability to be lifelong learners? Define the geo-relevant.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Group 8. How do we ensure students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills and the ability to be lifelong learners? Define the geo-relevant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Group 8

2 How do we ensure students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills and the ability to be lifelong learners? Define the geo-relevant components of critical thinking (“Geo-intuition”) – Course level (Gen Ed/Intro): coordinate across institution (horizontally) with other general education courses to cover key geo/sci components – Curriculum level: coordinate from introductory to upper level courses (vertically) to build comprehensive geo skills – Additional thoughts: includes working in a team Scaffold skill building(“Rule of 3’s or 4’s”) – Course level (Gen Ed): start small, just one level up on Bloom’s – Curriculum level: define multiple points in curriculum where specific skills will be used Assessment will ensure that skills are developed (“Embrace accountability”) – Course level (Gen Ed): Group tests also have team-building outcomes – Curriculum level: Skills need to be assessed at multiple points, not just at the end through a thesis or research project Additional thoughts: requires changing the culture of teaching in departments to include more opportunities to engage in problem solving, peer visits

3 Next generation curriculum Concepts Earth Science literacy Big Ideas Skills GIS Critical thinking Group work Reading comprehension Experience doing science – Field work/camp – Internship – Research

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