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| Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 1 VIAF partners: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) Barbara Pfeifer.

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Presentation on theme: "| Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 1 VIAF partners: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) Barbara Pfeifer."— Presentation transcript:

1 | Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 1 VIAF partners: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) Barbara Pfeifer

2 Situation before VIAF International: –Separate national authority files –No interface for global search via authority headings German-speaking countries: –1976: file for names of corporate bodies, conferences, geographic names (GKD) –1986: file for subjects including individual names (SWD) –1997: file for personal names (PND) | Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 2

3 DNB - VIAF partnership –IFLA Cataloguing Section: Idea to bring together national authority files to form a global virtual authority file –1998: Proof of concept with LC and DNB authority data for personal names –2003: First Memorandum of Understanding –LC, DNB, and OCLC as principal partners. BnF joined in 2007 | Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 3

4 GND today –2012: integration of all existing authority files in the Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) – 10 mio records –4.5 mio undifferentiated, 2.9 mio differentiated personal names –Since 2012 under CC0 –VIAF update daily | Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 4

5 Benefits of participation in VIAF - 1 Increased visibility –Increased visibility of authority data and underlining of the importance of authority work –New access points for authority and bibliographic entities –New user groups (Wikipedia search, …) –Internationalized access via preferred language, script, and spelling –More user feedback (correction tasks) | Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 5

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8 Benefits of participation in VIAF - 2 Quality improvement in national authority files –Detection of inconsistencies in clusters –Possibility of data enrichment Cataloguing –Source for authority control | Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 8

9 Challenges - 1 –Linking back from DNB’s site to VIAF, planned via (new service to come) | Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 9

10 GND Data Search in Culturegraph Links to Further Data Sources Added via BEACON Files Links to Catalogues

11 Challenges - 2 –Including more entities and more authority files in VIAF –Implementing a function for catalogers to copy information from other national authority records –Data enrichment –Backbone for ISNI for copyright needs –Privacy issues –Building infrastructure for Semantic Web applications –Linking more and more various applications and content | Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 11

12 Building a network | Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 12

13 Thank you! | Barbara Pfeifer | VIAF workshop Strasbourg | 25.02.2013 13

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