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Cave of Mazes 2 By Isaiah Moten. The man was on the cold hard ground, fearing for his life. He was going to be killed by a terrible monster named Syllicus.

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Presentation on theme: "Cave of Mazes 2 By Isaiah Moten. The man was on the cold hard ground, fearing for his life. He was going to be killed by a terrible monster named Syllicus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cave of Mazes 2 By Isaiah Moten

2 The man was on the cold hard ground, fearing for his life. He was going to be killed by a terrible monster named Syllicus. “Go away!” The man yelled at the beast. Syllicus gazed into the man’s eyes with calmness. The beast had pinned the man down, with its hand covering his face. The man was no more.....or was he?

3 Edward woke up drenched in sweat. He had a terrible nightmare of a monster. It was trying to kill what it looked to be Ed’s uncle, Vlad. Frightened, he went to check to see if his uncle was in the house still. Ed checked his uncle's room, and he wasn’t there. Worried, he searched around the entire house, but still could not find him. Then he was startled by a howl.

4 Even though he was scared out of his mind, he had a feeling his uncle was in danger. So he put on his coat and boots, ready to go outside. He also grabbed a clove of garlic, because he had a terrible fear of vampires. After he was set, he stepped outside into the moonlit night. Luckily there was the light of the moon, or Ed would’ve been lost in a dark haze. Then he heard the howling again, but closer.

5 Edward was now freaking out, and picked up a brick he found on the ground for protection. As he ventured into the woods that surrounded his uncle’s house, he could see something in the distance. When he got closer, he could make out a cave. Ed was hesitant on going in it, but then he heard the voice of his uncle screaming, “Help!”.

6 As soon as he heard his uncle, he ran right into the cave. It was pitch black, and Ed couldn’t see where he was going. As he was walking, he tripped over something. He felt around for what it was, and discovered it was a flashlight. It turned on when he flicked the switch. Now he could see the walls and littered ground of the cave. His stomach turned as he looked to the ground looking at a pile of bones.

7 Ed felt like he was going to pass out, but then he heard his uncle yelling again. Only a few more minutes walking into the cave, he found his uncle with his back facing him. Ed asked him, “ Is that you Uncle?”. From his uncle, he heard snarling, then a thundering laugh. Before Ed had time to react, his uncle lunged at him. Pinned to the ground, Edward was struggling to break free of his uncle’s grip. But in a matter of seconds, Ed was gone. And now only Syllicus remained in the cave.

8 The End!

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