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11th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.comGeoAuthor.

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Presentation on theme: "11th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.comGeoAuthor."— Presentation transcript:

1 11th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.comGeoAuthor

2 11th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.comGeoAuthor

3 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Change Name

4 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Change Attributes

5 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Distribute Addresses - Proportionate

6 11th Annual GeoElections Conference MultiUpdate

7 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Add Segment

8 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Create Intersection There are 3 methods for creating intersections: Method 1: Creating an intersection on a line Step 1: Select line Step 2: Right click to open floating GeoAuthor menu and select Create Intersection Method 2: Creating an intersection on a line or a polyline Step 1: Using the Symbol tool place a point along the line/polyline Step 2: Select the point and the line/polyline you want the intersection to be created. Step 3: Right click and select create intersection. **Rob’s Tool Tips Method 3: Creating an intersection on a polyline Step 1: Select a node on the poly within proximity of where you want to create your intersection and press Ctrl + C to copy the node and Ctrl + V to paste the node. Step 3: Then select the polyline and the newly pasted node, right click and select create intersection. **

9 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Shape Point The Shape Point tool allows the user to reshape a part of polyline or the entire polyline. Step 1: Select the Polyline tool Step 2: Draw your new polyline. Step 3: Select your old line and your new line, right click and select Shape Point. When using the Shape Point there is a short cut! When drawing in your new line you can use the autotrace feature within MapInfo! Step 1: Select the Polyline tool Step 2: After you put your end point down, draw up to your first node within the polyline. Step 3: Press the “T” key on the keyboard. Step 4: Continue Drawing your line skipping ahead a few nodes on the line. Finish drawing your line. Step 5: Select your old line and your new line, Right click and select Shape Point.

10 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Node Split & Node Combine Node Split Node Combine

11 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Node Split Step 1: Right Click, MDN Off Step 2: Move the existing line work to make room for the new line Step 3: Select the line tool and draw in the new line making sure to connect your end points. Step 4: Select three lines the middle one being the new line. Right click and select Node Split.

12 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Node Combine Step 1: Select the line (Middle Segment) you want to node combine. Right click and select node Combine. Step 2: Move the node combined line off to the side.

13 11th Annual GeoElections Conference MDN On MDN Off

14 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Erase Line The erase line tool is a safety measure for deleting lines. It will only delete a line that you have created. Retire TLID If there is line work you want to retire from the map but still want to keep in the event it needs to be reactivated you can retire it and move it aside. Simply select the line, right click and select retire TLID.

15 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Build Layers The Build Layers menu will translate both the Original and the Enhanced TIGER/Line Shapefiles into tables that can be used in day-to-day desktop mapping deployment as native TAB files and/or as SHP files.

16 11th Annual GeoElections Conference Preferences On Preferences that can be altered within GeoAuthor > Preferences On: 1.Symbology by Line Type (Edit/Verify) 2.MTFCC Preferences (On/OFF) 3.Drag Drop Threshold Time 4.Distributed Addressing 5.Postal Standards

17 11th Annual GeoElections Conference The End Any Questions?

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