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1 FESR Consorzio COMETA - Progetto PI2S2 PI2S2 and S-Sicilia towards the industrial world: services and applications Prof. Antonio Puliafito Università di Messina Consorzio COMETA EGEE08 Conference‏ Istanbul, 22-26.09.2008

2 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 2 Summary The Cometa infrastructure What are business Grids? SLA and QoS management Service Composition Grid and Security The S-Sicilia project Commercial software being tested Conclusions and future work

3 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 3 Cometa: The Sicilian e-infrastructure ~2000 core AMD Opteron 2218 2 GB di RAM per core LSF for queue management Infiniband-4X in all sites 200+ TB of raw disk space GPFS as distributed filesystem 3

4 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 4 Human capital and expertise More than 130 software developers hired till now Continuous training on computing infrastructure and middleware Frequent contacts with potential users to open the GRID to non-specialists COMETA Big Industries Public Administration Research Institutions SMEs Supporting spin-off initiatives to contribute to the diffusion of Grid knowledge

5 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 5 Business Grids Business Grids focus on commercial values Need to support: –On-demand computational power –Low cost of ownership –Pay-for-use pricing model –Economic risk evaluation –Capacity planning –New Business models –Service composition –Guaranteed QoS –Security –Trust –Risk assessment

6 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 6 IT for the New Enterprise Today it is vital to adapt the computing model to the business interaction model Need to encapsulate business function to make it available to partners: service components Services must be defined by explicit contracts (SLA) to allow independent party access. –Consequence is automatic binding. Core concern of business is to integrate business processes and functions. –Business components are integrated creating service compositions. –New value is created through integration/composition.

7 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 7 The use of Web Services and of resources reservation utilities allows grid services to be offered on-demand to several external user having different requirements. e-science E-business applications focus on users expectations. services marketplace: each user can choose the services that satisfy his QoS requirements among the ones offered by different providers (Grids brokers). A service can be supplied by several providers with different QoS guarantees and costs user-centric approach: the user collects the resources/services needed for its applications distributed QoS based discovering of constituting services interaction with different grid services providers (Resource Broker)‏ Runtime fault management to improve availability of composite service. User Centric Services Composition e-business

8 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 8 Dynamic re-negotiations of SLA Issue: The WS-Agreement protocol (OGF recommendation) is not flexible enough for business environments. –No room for any re-negotiation of the terms –No means to modify the terms while the service is being provided Currently, an Agreement’s violation leads to waste of resources, time and money Currently investigating how to give the parties the possibility to modify the terms of the Agreement while the service is being provided

9 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 9 Access to COMETA computational grid using smart card and X.509 certificates gLite users can access grid resources after authentication process. User credentials (private and public RSA keys) are stored on the file system of the User Interface machine. The user certificate is used for generating a new temporary certificate (proxy certificate) that allows access to grid resources This certificate is signed using the user private key stored on the file system.

10 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 10 Access to COMETA computational grid using smart card and X.509 certificates The solution is: To store and to use private key in a secure way All the cryptographic operations involving the keys can be performed in a secure way by the smart card itself. The problem is: The private key could be stolen from malicius users that have access to User Interface New access method has been performed for interacting with the RSA key-pair stored on a smart card The sign of the proxy certificate is now made by the smart card using the user private key stored on it 10

11 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 11 Access to COMETA computational grid using smart card and X.509 certificates This features is made by means of a dynamic library that includes a set of functions to interact with the cryptographic device. Like the User Interface, the library was developed in a Unix system for interacting with OpenSC and OpenCT. OpenCT provides drivers for many smart card readers; Library's goals: 1) initialization of interaction with the smart card; 2) execution of sign operation on byte sequence; 3) end of communication session with smart card. OpenSC allows the integration of smart cards in Linux based systems

12 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 12 The S-Sicilia project S-Sicilia is a 2-year collaboration between the Cometa Consortium and ORACLE in the context of WP2 of PI2S2. The project aims to address specifics needs: create a business processes platform over a Grid infrastructure offer business services with guaranteed QoS provide customers' Data protection regulate B2B relationships through SLA business contracts Position COMETA as a service provider on the medium long term for the R&D and SME world

13 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 13 Background Issues we focused:  Service composition: Composition of services across multiple domains Web services and SOA  SLA management: Regulation of B2B and B2C interactions through a management system that deals with contracts SLA, services design,QoS parameters definition  Accounting and billing Provided QoS for completed services has to be taken into account and not raw machine resources consumption New models and frameworks

14 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 14 Commercial partners INSIRIO is cooperating with COMETA as the industrial broker to identify commercial use cases to be gridified INQUADRO has been selected by COMETA as the technological partner providing consultancy support

15 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 15 Scenarios Web hosting service –Hosting for web applications: e-commerce, CMS, web-site builders, etc. –Test with an e-commerce application Virtualization service –Host for companies applications, e.g. Productivity software, legacy applications, etc. –Host of Virtual Machines running applications for company's employer –Customized environment –Support for user's mobility

16 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 16 Main characteristics: –Services are defined and managed through SLAs. We used WSLA schema –Contracts are monitored and due actions are taken such as service re-configuration, service re-location and resources re-allocation –Customers are billed not for raw resources but for services and QoS provided. Contracts are specified in business terms –The system has been designed to do not rely on a particular middleware Our approach

17 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 17 S-Sicilia architecture overview

18 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 18 Web hosting scenario Vendors buy a Web hosting service setting up an SLA Vendors send their application Applications are setup automatically Vendors'customers access vendor website SLAengine monitors vendors' application and makes necessary adjustments according to SLA agreed

19 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 19 Virtualization service scenario Enterprise buys a Virtualization service setting up an SLA Enterprise downloads VM image, installs necessary SW and uploads it back to the system Web front-end and VM are setup automatically Enterprise's employers access VMs SLAengine monitors Enterprise's Vms number of connections and makes necessary adjustments according to SLA agreed

20 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 20 Technology used ORACLE SOA suite: used for the implementation of the SLA engine –BPEL Process Manager –Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)‏ –Web Services Manager (OWSM)‏ –Business Rules –Application Server Oracle DB 10G used for the Service repository and as a service offered to run the AS applications Web Cache used to balance the load to the connected machines JDeveloper used to develop Bpel processes for the SLA engine WSLA: used to represent business contracts Linux scripts: used to implement QoS mechanisms and gLite middleware integration

21 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 21 Current status and future work Modules already integrated System tests undergoing Security features implemented AS hosting scenario developed Demo delivered at Grid Industrial day Messina June 2008 Integration of virtualization solution Integration of GridVideo application Setup of remaining scenarios: virtual PA

22 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 22 User’s commercial software being tested INSIRIO is providing the following use cases: People Clock Smart plant 3D: Intergraph’s plant design and management software Both applications were quickly gridified without accessing the source code Smart plan 3D, originally a client- server application, is now accessible through the web Automatic tailoring of computing resources to effective requests

23 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 23 Other Industrial Applications  Fluid dynamic optimization (more than 200 runs, each run 2÷6 10 6 nodes, simulation steady state)‏  Automotive External Aerodynamics (30÷60 10 6 nodes, simulation steady state)‏  Aeroacustic (10÷40 10 6 nodes, simulation transient 0,06 ÷ 0,1 s)‏  Multi Phase in ambiental simulation (1÷4 10 6 nodes, simulation transient 10 ÷ 100 s)‏  The computational domain (fixed and moving parts) was composed by more than 28 106 cells  The CPU time requested for one simulation using 60 nodes is about 400 hours

24 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 24 Conclusions  Grids are the enabling platform to create the European Research Area (ERA) and promote the scientific and industrial research to build a critical mass in many heteroeneous sectors  e-Infrastructures contribute to widen access to knowledge with a new market for IT applications  Future sustainability of e-Infrastructures is a crucial issue to exploit long term development of technology and industrial and commercial level  Concrete interest of the industrial world towards the GRID: INSIRIO as the industrial broker of Consorzio COMETA

25 Antonio Puliafito – Istanbul, EGEE08 Conference, 22-26.09.2008 25 Prof. Antonio Puliafito Center on Information Technologies Development and their Applications (CIA)‏ cell: +39 3486052885 e-mail: Thanks

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