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Video Textures Arno Schödl Richard Szeliski David Salesin Irfan Essa Microsoft Research, Georgia Tech.

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Presentation on theme: "Video Textures Arno Schödl Richard Szeliski David Salesin Irfan Essa Microsoft Research, Georgia Tech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Video Textures Arno Schödl Richard Szeliski David Salesin Irfan Essa Microsoft Research, Georgia Tech

2 Still Photos

3 Video Clips

4 Video Textures

5 Related work Image-based rendering Novel still views from still images View Morphing [Seitz 96] Lightfields / Lumigraph [Levoy 96, Gortler 96] Façade [Debevec 96] Virtualized Reality [Kanade 97] many more…

6 Related work Texture synthesis Infinite extension of 2D pattern [Heeger 95] [de Bonet 97] [Efros 99]

7 Related work Temporal texture synthesis Video as a spatio-temporal texture Statistical Learning of Multidimensional Textures [Bar-Joseph 99] [Wei 00]

8 Related work Video Rewrite Assemble video snippets to generate lip motion [Bregler 97]

9 Periodic motion analysis Uses similar analysis tools Related work [Niyogi 94] [Seitz 97] [Polana 97] [Cutler 00]

10 Problem Statement video clipvideo texture

11 Approach How do we find good transitions?

12 Finding Good Transitions Compute L 2 distance D i, j between all frames Similar frames make good transitions frame ivs. frame j

13 Markov Chain Representation Similar frames make good transitions

14 Transition Costs Transition from i to j if successor of i is similar to j Cost function: C i  j = D i+1, j

15 Transition Probabilities Probability for transition P i  j inversely related to cost: high  low 

16 Preserving Dynamics


18 Cost for transition i  j C i  j = w k D i+k+1, j+k

19 Preserving Dynamics – Effect Cost for transition i  j C i  j = w k D i+k+1, j+k

20 Deadends No good transition at the end of sequence

21 Future Cost Propagate future transition costs backward Iteratively compute new cost F i  j = C i  j +  min k F j  k

22 Future Cost Propagate future transition costs backward Iteratively compute new cost F i  j = C i  j +  min k F j  k

23 Future Cost Propagate future transition costs backward Iteratively compute new cost F i  j = C i  j +  min k F j  k

24 Future Cost Propagate future transition costs backward Iteratively compute new cost F i  j = C i  j +  min k F j  k

25 Propagate future transition costs backward Iteratively compute new cost F i  j = C i  j +  min k F j  k Q-learning Future Cost

26 Future Cost – Effect

27 Finding Good Loops Alternative to random transitions Precompute a good set of loops up front (using dynamic programming)

28 Visual Discontinuities Problem: Visible “Jumps”

29 Crossfading Solution: Crossfade from one sequence to the other.

30 Morphing Interpolation task:

31 Morphing Interpolation task: Compute correspondence between pixels of all frames

32 Morphing Interpolation task: Compute correspondence between pixels of all frames Interpolate pixel position and color in morphed frame based on [Shum 2000]

33 Results – Crossfading / Morphing

34 Jump Cut Crossfade Morph

35 Crossfading

36 Frequent Jump & Crossfading

37 Video Portrait Useful for web pages

38 Combine with IBR techniques Video Portrait – 3D

39 Region-based Analysis Divide video up into regions Generate a video texture for each region

40 Automatic Region Analysis

41 User selects target frame range User-controlled Video Textures slowvariablefast

42 Lengthen / shorten video without affecting speed Time Warping shorteroriginallonger

43 Video-based animation Like sprites computer games Extract sprites from real video Interactively control desired motion ©1985 Nintendo of America Inc.

44 Video sprite extraction

45 Video sprite control Augmented transition cost:

46 Video sprite control Need future cost computation Precompute future costs for a few angles. Switch between precomputed angles according to user input [GIT-GVU-00-11]

47 Interactive fish

48 Summary Video clips  video textures define Markov process preserve dynamics avoid dead-ends disguise visual discontinuities

49 Summary Extensions regions external constraints video-based animation

50 Discussion Some things are relatively easy

51 Discussion Some are hard

52 Future Work Better analysis of complex motions New optimality metrics More powerful video-based animation Other kinds of video-based rendering

53 A Final Example

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