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Heather McTaggart The Basin Community House – On behalf of the Knox Network COLLABORATION FOR SUCCESS.

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Presentation on theme: "Heather McTaggart The Basin Community House – On behalf of the Knox Network COLLABORATION FOR SUCCESS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heather McTaggart The Basin Community House – On behalf of the Knox Network COLLABORATION FOR SUCCESS

2 Who are we? We are a group of five Community Houses/Learning Centres in the outer east of Melbourne. Each diverse in our organisational size, delivery and community needs. But all committed to a collaborative approach to achieve positive community and sector outcomes. Our network has strengthened and grown organically over time rather than being planned. It is built on trust and mutual respect. The Basin Community House Coonara Community House Orana Neighbourhood House Mountain District Learning Centre Rowville Neighbourhood Learning Centre

3 Build on our success….. The Growing Skills for Knox Project  create introductory/taster courses for future study  retain and extend on previous quality pre accredited training courses  identify possible employment and training opportunities in specific industry areas such as nursing, complementary therapies, horticulture, diversion therapy/aged care and working in media & film

4 Collaborative Marketing Strategy  Engaged experienced corporate marketing consultant to prepare marketing strategy for the network  Collaborative marketing brochure to whole LGA  65,000 brochures distributed to every household  Diversity of courses offered through the network to community  Meeting the needs of all learners in the LGA  Supporting industry and small business  Creation of

5  promoted on all of network term programs  prominent on all joint marketing material  links on each organisations individual website  promoted by council main website  promoted to business via council Economic Development Unit


7 Collaborative Term Brochure January 2012

8 Course flyer developed for small business & distributed by Council


10 Setting clear objectives…. Meeting challenges along the way…sometimes developing procedures on the run. This could vary depending on funding, expertise, timing and compliance. Memorandum of Understanding drawn up after misunderstandings between key partners. 1. Key purpose was to support consistency of practice 2. Sharing goals, equal contribution to physical and human resources 3. Equal contribution to combined brochures and marketing tools along with other partners (not changing commitment half way through project) 4. Coordinated united approach to the project. Welcoming opportunities – festivals, business forums & media Streamlining documentation across the network

11 Strengthened partnerships Knox Council Economic Development Unit Inner East Primary Care Partnership Community Houses Association of the Outer Eastern Suburbs & Within our own Knox network, mentoring and support for new managers and peer support as required.

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