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Share the Skies Barbara Bead & Karen Busher. On the Journey Where are you in your understanding of the night sky and the Universe? Where are you in your.

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Presentation on theme: "Share the Skies Barbara Bead & Karen Busher. On the Journey Where are you in your understanding of the night sky and the Universe? Where are you in your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Share the Skies Barbara Bead & Karen Busher

2 On the Journey Where are you in your understanding of the night sky and the Universe? Where are you in your understanding of the night sky and the Universe? Where we are in our understanding Where we are in our understanding How we got where we are How we got where we are The new knowledge we have gained The new knowledge we have gained The gaps we still have to fill; the new learning that abounds The gaps we still have to fill; the new learning that abounds

3 Where our Journey Began Cloudcroft, New Mexico Cloudcroft, New Mexico What we discovered What we discovered Subculture of people who are really into this Subculture of people who are really into this They talk their own language They talk their own language We are ignorant beyond belief We are ignorant beyond belief We need to begin a new path of discovery, exploration We need to begin a new path of discovery, exploration We are excited to be lifelong learners We are excited to be lifelong learners

4 New Mexico Skies Lynn Rice with Ryan Lynn Rice with Ryan

5 Mike Rice Mike Rice

6 Goals for Training Know how to access and use the Celestron telescope in Australia Know how to access and use the Celestron telescope in Australia Locate a variety of resources to learn about the night sky and increase personal knowledge Locate a variety of resources to learn about the night sky and increase personal knowledge Locate resources to integrate the use of the telescope in Virginia classrooms Locate resources to integrate the use of the telescope in Virginia classrooms Serve as a trainer for your division Serve as a trainer for your division

7 Let’s Take a Look at the Telescope To access the telescope: To access the telescope:

8 Our Telescope vs. Hubble Photographs of the Orion Nebula Photo by Tess, Grade 3

9 Online Resources Share the Skies Blog Share the Skies Blog Google Sky Google Sky Google S Google S Astronomy Picture of the Day Astronomy Picture of the Day Astronomy for Kids Astronomy for Kids

10 Google Sky Powerful search that lets you browse tens of thousands of named objects Powerful search that lets you browse tens of thousands of named objects Three optical sky surveys that show you what your naked eye would see if it had a really good zoom lens Three optical sky surveys that show you what your naked eye would see if it had a really good zoom lens Try switching to infrared, microwave, ultraviolet, or x-ray to see the sky in a completely different light Try switching to infrared, microwave, ultraviolet, or x-ray to see the sky in a completely different light Or blend between these views to create unique visualizations on the fly Or blend between these views to create unique visualizations on the fly Galleries highlighting the best images from Hubble and many other telescopes Galleries highlighting the best images from Hubble and many other telescopes Current planet positions and constellations Current planet positions and constellations Overlays of custom KML content Overlays of custom KML content (Simply paste a Sky KML URL into the search box, just like on Google Maps) (Simply paste a Sky KML URL into the search box, just like on Google Maps) Last but not least, the Earth & Sky podcasts gallery is not to be missed, particularly for those who run a classroom Last but not least, the Earth & Sky podcasts gallery is not to be missed, particularly for those who run a classroom

11 Microsoft- Worldwide Telescope Microsoft- Worldwide Telescope

12 Print Resources

13 Additional “Local” Resources Roanoke Astronomical Society Roanoke Astronomical Society National Radio Astronomy Observatory Green Bank, WV National Radio Astronomy Observatory Green Bank, WV

14 Term: declination The stars on the celestial sphere are like cities on the globe The stars on the celestial sphere are like cities on the globe Cities are located on the globe using latitude and longitude Cities are located on the globe using latitude and longitude longitude says how far the city is east or west along the Earth's equator longitude says how far the city is east or west along the Earth's equator latitude says how far a city is north or south of the Earth's equator latitude says how far a city is north or south of the Earth's equator Declination is like latitude Declination is like latitude It reports how far a star is from the celestial equator It reports how far a star is from the celestial equator To find the declination of a star follow an hour circle "straight down" from the star to the celestial equator To find the declination of a star follow an hour circle "straight down" from the star to the celestial equator The angle from the star to the celestial equator along the hour circle is the star's declination The angle from the star to the celestial equator along the hour circle is the star's declination




18 Horsehead Nebula January 29, 2008 11:30 am EST Virginia 1:30 am January 30, 2008 Pingelly, AU

19 M 68

20 Ring Tail Galaxy

21 Sombrero Galaxy

22 Orion Nebula

23 Running Chicken Nebula

24 Images from the Hubble Stars, Nebula, Galaxies, Planets


26 The Helix Nebula: A Gaseous Envelope Expelled By a Dying Star


28 A Perfect Storm of Turbulent Gases in the Omega/Swan Nebula (M17)

29 The Carina Nebula: Star Birth in the Extreme

30 A String of 'Cosmic Pearls' Surrounds an Exploding Star

31 The Sombrero Galaxy in Infrared Light

32 Interacting Galaxy Pair Arp 87


34 Saturn Aurora — January 26, 2004


36 The Cat's Eye Nebula: Dying Star Creates Fantasy-like Sculpture of Gas and Dust

37 Star Cluster NGC 265

38 Light Echoes From Red Supergiant Star V838 Monocerotis – December 2002

39 M13 Great Cluster in Orion

40 A Spiral Galaxy

41 NGC 1662, an open cluster

42 Learn more about the Virginia Department of Education Share the Skies Pilot Program at: Learn More about our training at New Mexico Skies

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