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DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH Why will the average school kid in Sudan only expect to live until the old age of 48?

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH Why will the average school kid in Sudan only expect to live until the old age of 48?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH Why will the average school kid in Sudan only expect to live until the old age of 48?

2 Health problems in an ELDC
DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH Health problems in an ELDC By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Describe health problems in an LEDC Name different infectious and non-infectious diseases. Describe causes, effects and controls for diseases.

DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH The quality of people’s health is a developmental indicator If many people are suffering ill health then this indicates a low level of development. It is also a CAUSE of low levels of development Person becomes weak VICIOUS CYCLE OF DISEASE Little food to eat illness Unable to work poverty

4 Causes of ill-health Infectious diseases non-infectious diseases
DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH They spread in two main ways: 1. people drink polluted water. 2. Tiny worms that burrow into the skin when people wash Flies and mosquitos spread diseases by biting people and transferring contaminated blood AIDs is the biggest killer in sub-Saharan Africa. Causes of ill-health Spread by water cholera typhoid Spread by flies malaria Sleeping sickness other AIDs measles Diet-deficiency Under-nutrition scurvy others cancers Heart diseases Infectious diseases non-infectious diseases People not eating enough food. Common in poor areas that have suffered from drought. Common in MEDC and LEDC.

DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH INFECTIOUS DISEASES Spread by water WATER-BASED DISEASES These are spread by parasites living in the water and infecting an intermediary host/vector that gives us a disease. They can include;- The freshwater snail infected by a fluke that infects people and carries SCHISTOSOMIASIS.

DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH INFECTIOUS DISEASES Spread by flies WATER- RELATED DISEASES These are where the organism which causes the disease lives in water for at least part of its life-cycle. It can include the mosquito that breeds in water and causes MALARIA.

DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH Other INFECTIOUS DISEASES AIDS There is a virus that can be shared through the transfer of bodily fluids. It is called HIV, and destroys part of your immune defence system. If you catch it, there is a chance it will develop into full-blown AIDS, and then even an infection like tuberculosis or another virus like measles can kill you. It is caught often by needle-sharing drug users, through un-screened blood products being given in clinics, or by having unprotected sex with a victim.

DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH NON-INFECTIOUS DISEASES Diet deficiency Malnutrition often happens when diets are based on only one main food source and lacks variety supplied by nutritious foods. Areas typical of this are the Indian sub-continent and South-east Asia. A significant proportion of the population are unhealthy and unable to work for any length of time. They are susceptible to other simple diseases and soon the whole economy suffers.

DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH Other NON-INFECTIOUS DISEASES Diabetes is where the body cannot deal with the sugars in your food that should be stored to release energy when needed. You can go into a diabetic shock if the balance is badly wrong. Cancers are where the cells of the body keep dividing and won’t stop, as they should. A tumour grows and feeds off your blood supply, eventually killing you. Bits of the tumour can break off and travel to other parts of the body to grow there.

10 How can you control these diseases?
DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH How can you control these diseases? Produce more food Increases infant mortality Makes people weak & lethargic Improve health facilities Leaves victims with handicap Which of these are: Causes Effects Controls? Provide clean water People are needed as carers Provide health education Many diseases are killers malaria AIDs cholera

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