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Numbers to 120 Unit of Study: Counting and Modeling Numbers to 120 Global Concept Guide: 4 or 4.

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1 Numbers to 120 Unit of Study: Counting and Modeling Numbers to 120 Global Concept Guide: 4 or 4

2 Content Development  Students should have ample experiences with the hundreds chart to see patterns between numbers, such as all of the numbers in a column on the hundreds chart have the same digit in the ones place, and all of the numbers in a row have the same digit in the tens place.  Counting in groups of 10 as well as grouping objects into 10 groups of 10 will develop students understanding of place value concepts. After counting objects, students write the numeral or use numeral cards to represent the number.  Listen as students orally count to 120 and focus on their transitions between decades and the century number. These transitions will be signaled by a 9 and require new rules to be used to generate the next set of numbers.

3 Day 1 and 2  Day 1 focuses on students extending the counting sequence of 1- 100 to 110 and representing with base ten blocks.  Day 2 continues to extend the counting sequence to 120 and representing with base ten blocks..  Provide students with multiple opportunities to practice counting by 1 and 10 from any starting point less than 120.  Students need to listen to their rhythm and pattern as they orally count so they can develop a strong number word list.  As students develop fluency with counting 1-120, post the number words in the classroom to help students read and write them.

4 Day 3  Use Day 3 to allow students time to apply their counting skills to 120 and represent these numbers with tens and ones.  The Pentomino Game from GCG 1 can be extended to include 120.  Have students compare patterns discovered on the 100 chart in earlier lessons to the 120 chart being used now.

5 Pentomino Activity  Write a number with a wet erase marker on one square of each pentomino.  Have students record the missing numbers based on the location of the known number. 36 25 15 14  Students can use a 120 chart to check their work.

6 Enrich/Reteach/Intervention  Enrich  Have students work counting backwards from various starting points.  Require multiple representations with explanations.  Reteach  Have students use the regoupable snap cubes on the 120 chart instead of base ten blocks.  Intervention/Small Group  GO Math Lesson 6.9 p 273B RtI Tier 2

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