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CSE Senior Design II Day 1: Getting Organized Spring 2012 Instructor: Mike O’Dell.

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1 CSE Senior Design II Day 1: Getting Organized Spring 2012 Instructor: Mike O’Dell

2 1 2 Instructor/GTAs  Mike O’Dell  Office – 631 ERB  Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM  Other times: when available in lab (208A ERB), or by appointment  Email:  Include “CSE4317” in the subject line  GTAs: Chris McMurrough/Jonathan Rich

3 1 CSE 4316 3 Who is this guy?  Retired Navy Commander  IBM: lead programmer, project manager, program manager, development manager (~ 10 years)  Product development senior management (~11 years), public and private companies  Dell, VP Development (laptops, desktops)  VTEL General Manager, Systems  eOn Communications, President and CEO  Bynari, Inc – Chairman and CEO  Senior Lecturer at UTA since 2001

4 1 4 Class Attendance and Participation  Attendance is expected for all classes and labs (and all of your team activities)  It’s better to come to class late than to not come at all  Participation (engaging in discussion, asking questions, etc.) is expected  As in Senior Design I, both of these will affect your grade for this class  Total: 10% of grade

5 1 5 Grading: Components/Weights  Attendance (6%): All classes and labs  <= 2 absent/tardy = 100  3 – 4 absent/tardy = 80  >4 absent/tardy, 0  Participation (4%): All classes and labs  >90% = 100 (actively contributes most every day)  75 – 90% = 90 (actively contributes every week)  50 – 75% = 80 (sometimes contributes)  25 – 50% = 70 (seldom contributes, but sometimes)  <25% = 0 (barely noticeable)

6 1 6 Grading: Components/Weights  Individual Deliverables (30%):  Individual Status Reports  Earned Value (your contribution to the Project)  Engineering Notebook reviews  Panel Presentation  Any other individual assignments or classroom exercises as assigned  Team Deliverables (30%):  Team Status Reports  Development deliverables per slide that follows  Final Project Review: Final Exam (30%)

7 1 7 Major Team Deliverables for SD II  Team Status Reports  Architectural Design Specification (System)  Detailed Design Document and Review (Module/Component)  System Test Plan Document and Review  Final Product (working prototype)  Wrap-up Materials ~15% ~25% ~20% ~15% ~25% P/F

8 1 8 Architectural Design Specification overall structure integrity for a system  Specifies “the overall structure of the software and the ways in which the structure provides conceptual integrity for a system” (Pressman) framework  Provides the framework for detailed design: hierarchical structure  the hierarchical structure of the system components (modules) relationships and interactions  the relationships and interactions of these components data  the elements and structure of data used by the components

9 1 9 Detailed Design Specifications  Interface  Interface specifications for each module (sub-program) prologue  Documentation prologue for each routine  Pseudo-code  Pseudo-code for each routine data structure and data file  Physical data structure and data file specifications  Packaging  Packaging specifications  Test plan  Test plan for each module and sub- system

10 1 10 System Test Plan requirements  A System Test Plan validates that all requirements have been met  It includes:  Introduction;  Approach;  Test items;  Features/requirements to be tested; not  Features/requirements not to be tested;  Item pass/fail criteria; deliverables  Test deliverables; tasks  Testing tasks;  Environmental needs;  Responsibilities;  Test Schedule;  Risks and contingencies;  Approvals required.

11 1 11 Exams/Quizzes  No exams or quizzes are planned for Senior Design II.  However, some classroom exercises will be graded as individual deliverables  Ethics exercise  Team assessment exercise  Final Project Presentation is, in effect, your final exam!  30% of your final grade  You will receive team and individual scores

12 1 12 Homework & Lab Assignments  Due as specified in the assignment document, or as specified in class  If turned in after due date/time there will be at least a 20% late penalty  Will be accepted late until 5PM of the date due. After due date, grade is zero.  Any out-of-class work must be “typed” per specified standard – handwritten work will not be accepted.

13 1 13 Engineering Notebook  You are required to maintain an Engineering/ Project Notebook through the project. your grade on Individual deliverables  This is an integral part of your project, therefore it will be used as a component of your grade on Individual deliverables.  Good record keeping is necessary for process improvement, and process improvement is necessary to be a good engineer/developer.  Your notebook should be brought with you to all lab/class sessions. inspection and grading  Notebooks are subject to inspection and grading by the GTA/Instructor at any time, without notice.  Team leaders will review, on occasion

14 1 14 Grading: Overall Grade  Each course component has a certain number of points assigned  Grading is based on standard 10% scale  Example: if there are 400 points available for Team Deliverables, then:  360 – 400 points is an A for that component  320 – 359 points is a B  280 – 319 points is a C  240 – 279 points is D  < 240 points is failing  See the syllabus for other details

15 1 15 Ethics assume that you all are honest and ethical  Today, I assume that you all are honest and ethical  If you give me reason to believe that you are not, the UTA Engineering College Code of Ethics will be enforced. may assist your fellow students  You may assist your fellow students, (in fact, this is encouraged and expected)  You may not allow your fellow students to copy your work, and you may not copy theirs.  Unauthorized  Unauthorized shared work will be treated as cheating.

16 1 16 Class Website   All presentation materials and class information are posted here  Check it at least every class day

17 1 17 Assignment for First Lab  SD I Post-Mortem/Lessons Learned  Come prepared to discuss the lessons YOU learned in SD I and your plans to utilize those lesson in SD II  This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment  Hand in one-page summary of your “Top 3” lessons learned (typed per SD standard). Make a copy!  Each person will be given 3-5 minutes to discuss to lessons learned with the class (SD1 and SD2) in lab this Friday, 1/20/2012.

18 1 18 REMEMBER  Your ADS Reviews are scheduled beginning in less than weeks, so check your dates and start getting ready today.  Other review dates are set… pick yours now and email me (if you haven’t done so already, get together with your team and do this soon!)  See Website (Process Steps) for available dates

19 1 CSE 4316 19 Lab/Work Area (ERB 208)  For lab access you will need your badge/ ID and your self service PIN number.  Swipe your badge, then key in 5-digit PIN  If you don’t know your PIN, you can get it by:  going to  clicking “VIEW INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNTS”,  logging in with your MavID and password  Your PIN will be shown with other account information

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