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After Care Service Training. Overview The Wellbeing Advisor After Care Service is 5 simple Steps to keeping in touch with your customers. This document.

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Presentation on theme: "After Care Service Training. Overview The Wellbeing Advisor After Care Service is 5 simple Steps to keeping in touch with your customers. This document."— Presentation transcript:

1 After Care Service Training

2 Overview The Wellbeing Advisor After Care Service is 5 simple Steps to keeping in touch with your customers. This document gives an overview of the steps

3 Contact 1 – Initial Customer Order Complete all customer details on order form Ask the customer’s permission to keep in touch Note their communication preference on the order form Collect a Skin Analysis Card from every customer (even from 1:1’s) Give a receipt to the customer including Advisor details Give copy of brochure to customer with Advisor label on (discuss) Add any customer personal information to Skin Analysis card to help remember them. File in Advisor After Care Folder for current month Move to Contact 2a – Order Delivery – Hostess Or Contact 2b – Order Delivery - Advisor

4 After Care Folder and best practices Ring binder with monthly dividers Clear plastic wallets to hold Order Forms and Skin Analysis cards which should be filed together Make a not on Skin Analysis card which ‘contact step’ and the date. Customer e-Newsletter section Keep a copy of the latest Customer Email distribution list and add on additional email addresses to be sent in next month email distribution list within your Advisor Email setup and maintain a customer distribution list so ad-hoc offers can be sent out quickly. Connect to all new customers on Facebook Send an invite for them to like your Facebook Page These are best practice guidelines to an After Care system and can be done whilst placing an order

5 Contact 2a – Order Delivery - Hostess This contact is not face to face but can still leave a lasting impression on the customers. It is more effective with experienced Hostesses. Ensure enough bags have been included in the order for each customer. Large orders may require more than one bag. Leave pink receipts with the Hostess at the Event so that she knows who ordered which products. or send the Hostess an email following the event with customer/order details Send ‘1044 Follow-up’ email to everyone who attended the Event the following day found on – Advisors Doc Store File in Advisor After Care Folder for following month Move to Contact 3 – ‘How was it for you?’

6 Contact 2b – Order Delivery - Advisor This method is preferred if it is a new Hostess or a new network of customers where initial relationships are being built. Please be aware of distance. Label Weleda bag with each customers name Add a personal message to each bag Add customer and hostess promotional leaflet Add Advisor contact details to each bag e.g. Business Card Add a5 Event Flyer Example message: ‘Dear Alison, Enjoy your Pomegranate Serum, I hope you will love the results. Let me know how you get on and don’t forget we offer a full 30 day money back guarantee. I’ll be in touch, Claire x’ File in Advisor After Care Folder for following month Move to Contact 3 – ‘How was it for you?’

7 Contact 3 – ‘How was it for you?’ This contact should be made in the following month from when the order was placed. Ensure enough time has passed for the customer to have received their products and been using for approx. two weeks. Email or Call each customer to ask how the products are working for them. Use their preferred method of communication. Don’t mention promotions or offers at this stage. Example: ‘Hi Alison, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to check that your Pomegranate Serum is working as you expected. Any problems let me know, Claire x’ 3 different types of response 1. No response 2. Complaint/reaction 3. Favourable response

8 Contact 3 – No response Approx 7/10 customers will not respond respond in this manner. It does not mean that they will never respond. It just reflects everyone’s busy lives! Do not get disappointed. If no response has been received by the following month, move their entry to the back of the After Care Folder. Leave there for a year – you may still hear from them!! Ensure the customers email address has been added onto the Contact List to receive the Customer e-Newsletter. Customer contact template can be found on – Advisors doc store – Customers Newsletter Leave in this state until another order is placed then move back to Contact 1

9 Contact 3 – Complaint / Reaction Always see a complaint or reaction as an opportunity. If dealt with effectively it shows excellent customer service and creates customer loyalty. Always deal with in a short space of time and see this customer interaction as critical as an order. Log a Returns form and Follow ‘1004 Returns Process’ The returns process can be found on – Advisors doc store – Placing orders / returns If the Customer has exchanged the product move back to Contact 1 step If the Customer has received a refund confirm with them that this has happened and that they are satisfied. The customer should still be receiving the Customer e-Newsletter following the complaint unless they have asked to unsubscribe

10 Contact 3 – Favourable Response Approx. 3/10 Customers will respond. Take this opportunity to inform the Customer at this point of how they could become further involved with Weleda. Including: Monthly Customer thank-you gifts Monthly Hostess promotions over next two months Any adhoc offers coming up e.g. Father’s Day If the Customer wishes to place an order then move back to Contact 1 If the Customer wishes to book an Event then move back to Contact 1 once the event has taken place If the Customer does not wish to take up one of the above at this time then agree to get back in touch in 2 months time when her products may be running low. Move the Customer file to the relevant month in the After Care Folder Move to Contact 5 – Ongoing Re-orders

11 Contact 4 – Customer e-Newsletter Everyone who buys a product from you should be given the option to receive our Customer e-Newsletter. This is an automated email that comes from Weleda on behalf of you to your customers. It happens at the beginning of each month. Advisors need to action a number of things to make this happen: Complete an Advisor profile plus photograph (head shot passport size) Use the email address Complete an Customer Email Contact list every month 1063 Customer Newsletter email distribution template.xls All the information regarding the above can be found on, Advisor Doc Store or speak to your Team Supporter for advice All Customers will be given the option to unsubscribe to the Newsletter if they wish. Move to Contact 5 – Ongoing Re-orders

12 Customer e-newsletter email distribution template

13 Contact 5 – Ongoing re-orders Only for Customers from Contact 3 that respond favourably. This contact can be done at a time in the month that suits you and should take you no more than 5 mins per customer (less if you are using electronic communication). Each month contact all Customers in this category whose file is in this section of your After Care Folder. Do this via their preferred method as agreed. Inform them of the Customer monthly thank-you promotion and ask whether they are ready for any more of their favourite products. Ensure they have a current brochure promotional leaflet and arrange for one to be sent if not or send a link to the online version on Remind them that postage is £3.95 or free with orders over £40 Send 1 to 1 orders straight to the customer if they have ordered previously This saves Advisor time as a relationship has already been established

14 Contact 5 – Ongoing re-orders Many Customers who say no to hosting an Event initially change their mind once they start using and liking the products. Instead of buying them from an Advisor they may wish to get them for free as a Hostess. Always explain the hostess promotions and other benefits of hosting their own Wellbeing Event. The longer they have been a Customer the more likely they are to become a Hostess. Always know your first two working dates so you can offer them straight away when someone says Yes to an Event. So that the booking can be made there and then.

15 After Care Service – General Comments Builds and establishes initial relationships to build an Advisor Customer database Once relationships established (x3 contacts) Customers will start contacting Advisors independently Some long standing Customers may want to join as an Advisor. Advisor time vs growing Customer database (good hourly rate) 5 mins per call, £40-£60 spend per customer, all direct deliveries, between 20-34% commission, one hour per month or more (optional) Use automation – Customer e-Newsletter Communicate your working hours and contact numbers to your customers – only respond in your working hours

16 After Care Service – Business Tools Things you may need to carry out an effective After Care Service Advisor Labels Hostess and Customer monthly promotional leaflets Business cards Order Forms email address Advisor Profile (and Photo) Skin Analysis Cards Brochures (a4 and a5) Customer email distribution sheet After Care Folder – separators and clear plastic sleeves Bag labels or compliment slips (now a business tool) Weleda bags Facebook Page a5 Event Flyer One hour per month plus one Wellbeing Event per week has grown a Customer database big enough to create £2,000 orders within 6 months

17 END

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