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Total # 13 : Soviet Life 1.Stalin begins to develop an entirely new form of government, one that controls everything you do! This is called…. 20 million.

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Presentation on theme: "Total # 13 : Soviet Life 1.Stalin begins to develop an entirely new form of government, one that controls everything you do! This is called…. 20 million."— Presentation transcript:

1 Total # 13 : Soviet Life 1.Stalin begins to develop an entirely new form of government, one that controls everything you do! This is called…. 20 million or more will die under Stalin’s totalitarian regime!

2 Why did people put up with this? 1.Police Terror : you were always being watched! – Cheka – secret police listen to phone calls, read mail, kids tell on parents

3 Great Purge (purge – get rid of) 1934, Stalin put Bolsheviks on trial for “crimes against the state” – show trials – fake – Often, these were leaders in communist party & thus could displace Stalin as leader

4 – NKVD interrogators concentrated on two questions: " Who recruited you?" and "Whom did you recruit?" The "confessions" often doomed casual acquaintances, friends, and even family. – Those found “guilty” sent to gulag or executed! No human rights! Basic rights belonging to all human beings – 500,000 were killed & millions sent to the gulag

5 2. Propaganda: shows only 1 side of story – Indoctrination: taught only 1 side – Children were indoctrinated with the propaganda given to them at school. – Young Pioneers – Communist youth groups – Stalin is called Uncle Joe

6 Propaganda Posters: Socialist Realism: promoted strength & glory of communism

7 3. Censorship: gov deletes info – only shows news the gov approves of – Pravda (The Truth) – official newspaper told the news according to The Party (communist leadership) – Even Western music is frowned upon – Some people really believed the propaganda China blocks certain websites even today!

8 “With the Soviet Union being controlled by Joseph Stalin, any news reports were first read and then censored, even completely rewritten. Stalin feared looking bad or weak in the world’s eyes. He did not want the “secrets” of the Soviet Union, such as collectivization, the purges, and famines to be realized by anyone, even his own people.” “…the Russian correspondent for the New York Times for many years, was guilty of misleading the American public about the situation in Russia at that time. He made it seem as if all was well and Russia was a thriving society.”

9 Religion Religion replaced w/communism – Atheism – Russian Orthodox Christians and Jews were persecuted – Leaders were executed, imprisoned, fled

10 Daily Life Push to educate Laws made women & men equal Women will work in large numbers

11 Quiz Review 1.What is a command economy? 2.What is an autocracy? 3.Name 2 reasons the Russians were unhappy with the czars. 4.Who were the Bolsheviks? 5.Who was the 1 st leader of the Bolsheviks?

12 Tomorrow’s Quiz 10 multiple choice questions NO make-up quizzes EVER Be sure to know…. – Autocracy/autocratic – Causes of the Russian Revolution – Bolsheviks, Lenin, Stalin – Command economy, collective farms, 5 year plans – Propaganda, indoctrination, censorship

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