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History and Culture.  Portugal is a tine country located in the Iberian peninsula.  Portugal has one of the first unified country in Europe. It had.

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Presentation on theme: "History and Culture.  Portugal is a tine country located in the Iberian peninsula.  Portugal has one of the first unified country in Europe. It had."— Presentation transcript:

1 History and Culture

2  Portugal is a tine country located in the Iberian peninsula.  Portugal has one of the first unified country in Europe. It had been formed at 1143.  Portugal is a tine country with a great History, and mostly full of different cultures.

3 Portugal first king has D. Afonso Henriques he conquered lands to muslins (where is now south Portugal). Between the XV and XVI century's Portugal was the European pioneer of the world maritime exploration. Portugal had fined and explored must of the African coast and islands, the maritime way to India, some island in south Pacific, Brazil and the archipelagos of Açores and Madeira (that still been autonomous regions of Portugal). Today Portugal is ruled has a uninfected republic.

4  Portugal is none also because of its traditional cultures:  One of the most none traditional events is watching the famous “ranchos” dancing, and assist to the very funny way to dance with sticks none has the “pauliteiros de miranda”  The traditional culinary is also unique.

5  From the north Portugal’s region comes the most famous Portuguese product none has the Porto wine. The Porto wine is extracted from the wine yards in the river Douro, a river that starts in the province of Sória (Spain) end it ends in Porto getting to the Atlantic ocean.

6 The North territory of current Portugal was originally habited by populations that are locally developed in the Paleolithic. The Celts are the people who in the mid 500 BC, emigrated from central Europe to these lands, developing a culture known as Celtic culture.

7 Fernando Maria Soares Pote Perry de Azeredo

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