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Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition Why increased resources are needed : 1.Replacing school.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition Why increased resources are needed : 1.Replacing school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition Why increased resources are needed : 1.Replacing school fees ( tuition/examinations) 2.Surge in enrolment – teachers, schools, classrooms, books 3.Transaction costs : loss of labour, health, HIV/AIDS, distance, water, food 4. Quality – T/P ratios, book/pupil ratios, quality of materials, training of teachers, school leadership, community support, security

2 Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition What kinds of resources are available : a)Domestic budget allocations ( Average : 20% - 50% to primary) b)External financing : i) Bilateral funding ( Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia ) ii) HIPC/Debt Relief ( Nigeria ) iii) FTI ( Kenya. Madagascar )

3 Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition What kind of timescales are we talking about ? a)Basic education is a long-term commitment – 7 years primary and 2/3 years lower secondary or upper basic - 9/10 years b)To achieve the education MDGs in 2015 – 10 years Implications: a)Governments need medium to long-term planning and budgeting scenarios b)External partners need to be able to make multi-year predictable partnership commitments and agreements

4 Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition What financing modalities can be used ? a)General budget support b)Sector budget support c)Pooled funding to the sector d)Earmarked funding ( e.g. teacher education) e)Project activities f)Capacity building g)Private funds What systems are needed ? a)Decentralised delivery through districts/ schools b)Public expenditure management reforms c)Public expenditure tracking systems

5 Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition What are the financing needs ? a)FTI-endorsed countries need a total of $1.1 billion annually in extra financing. b)One state in Nigeria alone needs $100 million annually. What are the pledges/commitments so far ? a) Gleneagles - $50 billion a year by 2010 - $25 billion to Africa b)To FTI trust funds – Donors are providing $490 million through regular channels and $115 million through the FTI Catalytic Fund leaving an annual financing gap of $510 million. c)UK - $15 billion to help countries implement 10 year plans for meeting MDGs by 2015 – 22 countries at Abuja committed

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