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INDEPENDENT OFFICE OF EVALUATION (IOE) OF IFAD IFAD9 MEETING, 24 OCTOBER 2011 Corporate level Evaluation on IFAD’s Efficiency.

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Presentation on theme: "INDEPENDENT OFFICE OF EVALUATION (IOE) OF IFAD IFAD9 MEETING, 24 OCTOBER 2011 Corporate level Evaluation on IFAD’s Efficiency."— Presentation transcript:

1 INDEPENDENT OFFICE OF EVALUATION (IOE) OF IFAD IFAD9 MEETING, 24 OCTOBER 2011 Corporate level Evaluation on IFAD’s Efficiency

2 Background The Board decided for IOE to undertake an evaluation of “IFAD’s Institutional Efficiency and Efficiency of IFAD-funded Operations” The Evaluation Committee discussed the evaluation approach paper ( 2

3 Objectives 1. Assess IFAD’s institutional efficiency, covering operations, support and oversight functions, and Governing Bodies 2. Review the Fund’s other corporate processes including organizational structure, management and corporate decision-making, budget process, and human resources management 3. Evaluate efficiency of IFAD operations (focusing on “why” factor and methods) 4. Assess the efficiency of recipient government institutions and processes 3

4 Objectives (cont.d) 5. Develop efficiency indicators and approaches for better assessing IFAD’s institutional efficiency and efficiency of operations 6. Generate recommendations to enhance IFAD’s overall efficiency 4

5 Main Phases Preparation of Inception Report (completed) Desk reviews (interviews, focus groups and surveys) and Preparation of Interim Report Selected country visits, identify good practices from comparator organizations, and preparation of final report Discussion in the Executive Board (Sept 2012) 5

6 Evaluation Team Overall responsibility: Director, IOE Evaluation Manager: Deputy Director, IOE Evaluation Consultants Team: Emerging Markets Forum Two Senior Independent Advisers: Messrs Richard Manning and Robert Picciotto 6

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