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 A readable, dynamic, pleasant,  flexible, fast and powerful language Introduction to Python.

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Presentation on theme: " A readable, dynamic, pleasant,  flexible, fast and powerful language Introduction to Python."— Presentation transcript:

1  A readable, dynamic, pleasant,  flexible, fast and powerful language Introduction to Python

2  Background  Syntax  Types / Operators / Control Flow  Functions  Classes  Tools Overview

3  Multi-purpose (Web, GUI, Scripting, etc.)  Object Oriented  Interpreted  Strongly typed and Dynamically typed  Focus on readability and productivity What is Python

4  Google  NASA  Library of Congress  the ONION  And many other companies Who Uses Python

5  Created in 1989 by Guido Van Rossum  Python 1.0 released in 1994  Python 2.0 released in 2000  Python 3.0 released in 2008  Python 2.7 is the recommended version  3.4 is used nowadays Releases

6 Syntax

7 Hello World


9 Types

10 Strings

11 Numbers

12 Null

13 Lists

14 Lists

15 Booleans

16 Operators

17 Arithmetic

18 String Manipulation

19 Logical Comparison

20 Identity Comparison

21 Arithmetic Comparison

22 Control Flow

23 Conditionals

24 For Loop

25 Expanded For Loop

26 While Loop

27  Useful for replacing simple for-loops. List Comprehensions

28 Functions

29 Basic Function

30 Function Arguments

31 Arbitrary Arguments

32 Fibonacci

33 Fibonacci Generator

34 Classes

35 Class Declaration

36  Attributes assigned at class declaration should always be immutable Class Attributes

37 Class Methods

38 Class Instantiation & Attribute Access

39 Class Inheritance

40  No interfaces  No real private attributes/functions  Private attributes start (but do not end) with double underscores.  Special class methods start and end with double underscores.  __init__, __doc__, __cmp__, __str__ Python’s Way

41 Imports

42 More Imports

43 Error Handling

44 Tools

45  Django  Flask  Pylons  TurboGears  Zope  Grok Web Frameworks

46  Emacs  Vim  Komodo  PyCharm  Eclipse (PyDev) IDEs

47    Resources

48 The End

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