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DEVELOPING AN EXERCISE PROGRAM. Target: I will be able to describe the components of an exercise program Pg. 45 Steps for Developing a Fitness Program.

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3 Target: I will be able to describe the components of an exercise program Pg. 45 Steps for Developing a Fitness Program 1. Planning Phase Set a specific goal Evaluate past failures

4 2. Select the Right Activity Consult with a doctor if you have an existing condition Select a Time and Place- Build your workout into your daily routine Variety- Pick activities you’re interested in that cover the 5 areas of fitness 3. Get Started Plan ahead of time- make a calendar or schedule Set short term goals and reward yourself when you reach them Begin slowly

5 4. Monitor Your Progress Be realistic about your progress towards your goals- Keep a journal and track the frequency, intensity and duration of your workouts Monitor and record Resting Heart Rate: The number of times your heart beats per minute at rest. Normal = 72-84 bpm Below 72 = Good fitness

6 Basics of an Exercise Program 1. Warm up- 5-10 minutes of easy physical activity to prepare the muscles to do more work. Raises the body temperature and heart rate slowly Stretches larger muscle groups- increase/improve flexibility, and prevents injury

7 2. Workout- F.I.T.T. principle Frequency—how often you do the activity each week (3-5 times) Intensity—how hard you work at the activity during the session Maximum Heart Rate: The upper limit of times your heart can beat in one minute. (Subtract your age from 220) The goal is to be at your target heart rate For fat loss is 50-70% of your maximum For cardiovascular training is 70-85% of your maximum

8 Time—how much time you devote to a given workout (30-60 minutes) Type—chose activities that suit your body type 3. Cool-Down: 5-10 minutes of reduced physical activity to help the body return to a less active state. Prevents blood from pooling in the muscles you were using Summary

9 WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED Pg. 44 Paste the worksheet “What the Doctor Ordered” Read the 4 patient scenarios Decide what type of exercise each patient should engage in and what lifestyle changes they should make.

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