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WRITING TO LEARN By: Jason Fischer. What Is Writing To Learn?  Normally writing to learn activities are short and unplanned  Basically informal writing.

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Presentation on theme: "WRITING TO LEARN By: Jason Fischer. What Is Writing To Learn?  Normally writing to learn activities are short and unplanned  Basically informal writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 WRITING TO LEARN By: Jason Fischer

2 What Is Writing To Learn?  Normally writing to learn activities are short and unplanned  Basically informal writing tasks that help students think through key concepts or ideas presented in a class  Usually these writing activities are limited to less than five minutes of class time or are assigned as brief out-of-class assignments

3 When Should It Be Used?  Writing to learn activities can be used at many points during a class period:  The Beginning:  Writing to learn activities are good openers, this brings students back into the context of the class  A writing to learn activity sets an expectation that students need to pay attention and arrive to class prepared  Also lets teachers know how much students remember from the last class  Class openers can also prepare students for the lesson :  Giving them time to find definitions of key terms that do not know  At the end of class students can go over their definitions and can see what they have learned

4 When Should It Be Used?  The Middle:  An activity in the middle of a class can keep students attention by changing the pace of the class  Can also promote student participation by allowing them to brainstorm and write about particular questions or issues in the lesson  can then share with their peers during the remainder of the period.  The End:  Helps students see what they have learned  Also what they are confused about so they can look over the content before the next assignment or exam  A short writing activity at the end of class will help students comprehend and retain the material talked about in class that day

5 Writing To Learn Strategies  One Minute Paper:  Text and note books must be closed  Students write the most important or most useful points they learned from the lesson, reading assignment, or discussion  Students can also write down any questions they have  Called a one minute paper, but the activity usually takes two or three minutes  A one-minute paper can work as a work up or cool down activity  As a cool down it helps students:  Take in, digest, and internalize new material  Letters Home:  Paraphrase in informal language what is being learn  Students can write to their parents, a sibling, or a friend  Helps students see the relationship between their classes and their everyday lives  Also gives them the opportunity to describe the material in their own words

6 Writing To Learn Strategies and ELLs  The shorter the activity the easier it will be perceived by the student.  One minute paper:  Short  Knowledge based  Room for questions  Letters Home:  Short  Draws on students idea of key points  Allows student to think in a informal manner  Does not involve normal writing rules

7 Works Cited  Kiefer, Kate. "An Introduction to Writing Across the Curriculum." The WAC Clearinghouse. Colorado State University, 2010. Web. Feb. 2010.  Kalman, Judith. "Writing to Learn." Oregon State University. The Professional & Organizational Development Network in Higher Education. Web. Feb. 2010..  The Center for Teaching Excellence. "Using Writing-to- Learn Assignments to Actively Engage Students in the Learning Process." National Teaching and Learning Forum: 1-2. National Teaching and Learning Forum. James Rhem & Associates, LLC. Web. Feb. 2010..

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