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At Northfield Manor Primary School Reception. The last year of the Foundation Stage...

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Presentation on theme: "At Northfield Manor Primary School Reception. The last year of the Foundation Stage..."— Presentation transcript:

1 At Northfield Manor Primary School Reception

2 The last year of the Foundation Stage...

3 How do we help your child learn and develop towards (or beyond) their Early Learning Goals? Play.... Free, structured, child initiated and adult led. Working towards a goal.... A “SO WHAT?” purposeful learning. Continuous Provision... Focus groups Whole Class teaching Extra Support (when needed) Extra adults Outdoor learning from a Forest school specialist teacher Through a parent-school partnership

4 Communication and Language

5 Personal, Social and Emotional Development

6 Physical Development

7 Literacy

8 Mathematics

9 Understanding of the World

10 Expressive Arts and Design

11 Educational Visits

12 Outdoor Learning/Forest School

13 Dates for your diary... Info in Packs Please sign up for an induction session... The first session on either Mon 29 th June or Tues 30 th you will come down to the classroom for a play session with your child the session will end at 3pm. The second session on either Mon 6 th July or Tues 7 th July you will stay in the hall for tea and coffee and your child will come down to play by themselves the session will end at 3pm. Class lists will be displayed in the hall during this session. September the 3 rd and 4 th are teacher training days school is closed to pupils we will be holding parent interviews/chats between Mon 7 th - Wed 9 th. Thurs 10 th, Fri 11 th or Mon the 14 th Sep the children will have their own special first day. All children will attend from Tues 15 th full time. Friday 18 th September is our family trip day... 1 adult from each family to Cannon Hill park and Birmingham Nature centre fully funded by school. Friday 25 th September Reception Reading INSPIRE workshop all parents and families welcome more info to follow.

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