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FDR and the New Deal. A Desperate America Elects FDR  In 1932 a hopeful American public overwhelmingly elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)  “Happy.

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1 FDR and the New Deal

2 A Desperate America Elects FDR  In 1932 a hopeful American public overwhelmingly elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)  “Happy days are here again”  Would make the federal government assume primary responsibility for the American people’s welfare.


4 From Childhood to the Presidency  Mother taught him that the wealthy and the privileged had an obligation to serve the public.  Became a New York senator and the assistant secretary of the U.S. Navy  In 1921 was struck by severe polio which lead to paralysis below the waist.  Was the governor of New York 1928-1932

5 As Governor  Promoted public works to create jobs for the unemployed  Pushed for old-age pensions  Pushed for unemployment insurance  Backed direct relief to the poor and needy  Great public image  Inspired voters

6 SuccessSuccess

7 Dams Roads Power Plants Airports

8 Reasons for Success  Republicans and Democrats worked together  Passed new legislation quickly  The “Brain Trust”  “Fireside Chats”  Convinced Americans that he had not forgotten their concerns

9 CriticsCritics

10 Critics of the New Deal  African-Americans felt that FDR was too concerned with retaining the votes of white southern Democrats  Provided little support for minorities  Pleased everyone to gain political fame  It interfered too much or too little in everyone’s lives

11 New Deal Opposition  Big Business (GM, General Foods) was alarmed at FDR’s socialist leanings (trying to Sovietize) railroads, the stock exchange, radios, electrical power, and factory labor.  Skyrocketing federal debt  Farmers throwing away food that could have been used to feed the poor.  Small farmers were not paid

12 Huey Long

13  Senator from Louisiana  Said “banks are using FDR as a tool of their own interests”  Promoted his “Share our Wealth” program  He argued that the government should seize all incomes over $1 million, all inheritances over $5 million, and give a $2,000 annual income to every American Family

14 Huey Long  Free college for every child  “Every man would be king”  Became a serious contender for the presidential election of 1936.  Was assassinated in 1935

15 Charles E. Coughlin

16  Was a Catholic priest  Told millions of radio listeners that FDR was on the side of big business  Helped form the Union Party “The hand of Moscow backs communist leaders in America...and aims to support FDR...I ask you to purge the man who claims to be a Democrat from the Democratic Party, and I mean Franklin Double-crossing Roosevelt”

17 Packing the Court  The U.S. Supreme Court declared certain parts of the NIRA as well as other acts and laws unconstitutional  In 1937 FDR asked Congress to allow him to appoint up to six new Supreme Court justices, current ones were to “old”  Offended Congress, the Court, the Democratic Party, and the public

18 Any Questions?

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