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Analysis & Performance To produce a booklet or PowerPoint presentation about your sport/avtivity.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis & Performance To produce a booklet or PowerPoint presentation about your sport/avtivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis & Performance To produce a booklet or PowerPoint presentation about your sport/avtivity.

2 Analysis of Performance You must know and understand the rules of your sport. You must understand what makes good (the perfect model) & bad performances in your sport. You need to be able to identify strengths and weaknesses in yourself and others performance. You need to be able to suggest practices / drills / fitness training that could improve an individuals performance. You need to be able to speak about your PEP and the aspects of fitness you wanted to improve, and why you wanted to improve them in relation to how it benefits your sport.

3 Moderation Summary On the moderation day a number of you will be selected to answer questions on your analysis and performance in front of the moderator. You need to show that you understand the rules of your chosen sport, what makes good and bad performance, and be able to talk about how and why you did your PEP. (Your PEP will also be looked at by the moderator. Your analysis of performance is up to 20 marks which could take you from a grade D to an B)

4 Analysis booklet Over the next couple of weeks you are going to produce a Booklet or powerpoint that helps support your PEP. It must be on the same sport that your PEP is and it will look at 4 areas. 1. Rules, regulations and terminology 2. Observe and analyse performance 3. Evaluate performance 4. Plan strategies, tactics and practices

5 Rules of the Game 1. Identify how many players participate in your sport. 2. Can you explain 5 main rules of your sport. 3. Give an explanation of each rule and why its important to the game / activity i.e. To improve the speed of the game, to make the game safer, to increase scoring opportunities, to make the game more enjoyable to spectators.

6 Mark Scheme

7 What is a bad performance? Try and think about a bad performance / performer. 1. Can you think of common faults that cause bad performances for your sport? 2. Can you explain how these faults you have chosen can have a negative affect on a performance?

8 Mark Scheme

9 The Perfect Model - What Makes A Good Performance? 1. Identify a performer who is outstanding (the perfect model) in your sport. 2. Write down what aspects of fitness they have to make them such a good performer i.e. aspects of health & skill related fitness 3. Can you discuss how those aspects makes their performance better in the game / sport. 4. Can you compare the performance you are analysisng to a ‘perfect model’.

10 Mark Scheme

11 Improving Performance Can you explain any practices or fitness training that could improve the faults you have identified? Can you discuss what a smart target is and how it is used to help improve? Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timed

12 Mark Scheme

13 Your PEP What was the main focus of your PEP? (what sport and aspects of fitness did you want to improve) Why did you choose that aspect of fitness to improve? (how has improving that aspect of fitness affected your performance in that sport) Is there anything you would have changed in your PEP?

14 P.E.P

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