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Fitness!!! Warm up Explain to a partner what the F.I.T. Principle is. Be sure to work together and explain all 3 parts. HINT: Explain it as if you are.

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Presentation on theme: "Fitness!!! Warm up Explain to a partner what the F.I.T. Principle is. Be sure to work together and explain all 3 parts. HINT: Explain it as if you are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fitness!!! Warm up Explain to a partner what the F.I.T. Principle is. Be sure to work together and explain all 3 parts. HINT: Explain it as if you are telling someone who has never heard of it before.

2 Today we will Perform a variety of different activities that deal with skill related fitness. This will help us to gain an understanding of what each fitness activity actually is.

3 Skill Related Fitness Activities We will experiment with the following activities. Agility Speed Power Reaction Time Balance Coordination

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