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The European World.  The Renaissance (1300- 1500’s) - French word meaning ‘rebirth’ - began in Italy - brought order and unity in Europe - era of creativity.

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Presentation on theme: "The European World.  The Renaissance (1300- 1500’s) - French word meaning ‘rebirth’ - began in Italy - brought order and unity in Europe - era of creativity."— Presentation transcript:

1 The European World

2  The Renaissance (1300- 1500’s) - French word meaning ‘rebirth’ - began in Italy - brought order and unity in Europe - era of creativity and change (art, literature, science, philosophy, economics, political science)

3  The ‘Golden Age’ - Renaissance art explored the physical world - artistic subjects were heroic - physical features were more realistic *core philosophy of period is called humanism

4  Renaissance Man -Leonardo da Vinci -painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, engineer

5  Northern Renaissance - William Shakespeare - English playwright and poet

6  The Printing Press (1455) - Johann Gutenberg - produced a Bible made on a printing press  The Reformation (1517) - Martin Luther - a German monk - followers called themselves Protestants

7  Rise of Nations - nation-states of Europe develop - government by local nobles and the Church decline

8  Portugal Takes to the Seas - Prince Henry the Navigator - developed the caravel- a ship that could sail against the wind/and with it. -established a mariners’ school

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