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MARKET : ______________________ CATEGORY :________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "MARKET : ______________________ CATEGORY :________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARKET : ______________________ CATEGORY :________________________

2 1 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 Name of the initiative & Claim (in 7/8 words max.) Description : 3 or 4 lines, or around 30 words Results : 3 or 4 lines, or around 30 words Why this initiative should be a finalist?: 3 or 4 lines, or around 30 words Team : names of team members ( Maximum 3, exceptionally 4 ) Signatures / Validation : Marketing or Sales Director Managing Director Here your one single best picture of the initiative !

3 2 – PRESENTATION OF THE INITIATIVE In general what was the OGSM of the initiative ? Page 1: OGSM of the initiative Page 2: Descriptive of the initiative, insist of what is innovative Page 3: Key factors of Success Page 4: Results Page 5: Innovation Wheel (see next slides) Page 6: Innovation KPI template (see next slides) Insert pictures if you want one or two pictures per page, make it live !

4 Objectives: Objective 1 Objective 2 … Goals: Goal 1 Goal 2 … Strategies: Strategy 1 … Metrics: Metrics 1 … 2.1 - OGSM

5 Description: Description 1 Description 2 Description 3 … What is innovative? Innovation 1 Innovation 2 Innovation 3 2.2 – DESCRIPTION OF THE INITIATIVE

6 2.3 – KEY SUCCESS FACTOR Key factors of success: Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 …

7 2.4 - RESULTS Results: Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 …

8 PROPOSED TOOL TO CHARACTERIZE LEVEL OF DISRUPTION Packaging Communication story Communication medium Merchandising Ritual/mode Price Moment Business as usual Minor changes New for the brand New for the category New for the W&S Level of disruption PRODUCT COMMUNICATION ACTIVATION Liquid Reached Not aimed INITIATIVE CONSIDERED AS AN INNOVATION FOR MH WHEN RATED A T LEAST A LEVEL 3 ON ONE DIMENSION 2.5 – INNOVATION WHEEL

9 PROPOSED TOOL TO CHARACTERIZE LEVEL OF DISRUPTION Packaging Communication story Communication medium Merchandising Ritual/mode Price Moment Business as usual Minor changes New for the brand New for the category New for the W&S Level of disruption PRODUCT COMMUNICATION ACTIVATION Liquid Reached Not aimed INITIATIVE CONSIDERED AS AN INNOVATION FOR MH WHEN RATED A T LEAST A LEVEL 3 ON ONE DIMENSION INNOVATION WHEEL – HENNESSY CLASSIVM EXAMPLE

10 2.6 – INNOVATION KPIS Strategic Intent – Why are you launching this innovation? Execution – What is this innovation about? Expected Impact – what will success look like?

11 INNOVATION KPIS HENNESSY CLASSIVM EXAMPLE Secondary objective of the innovation Main objective of the innovation Execution – What is this innovation about? Strategic Intent – Why are you launching this innovation? Gain consumer franchise Build brand equity Increase penetra- tion Increase awareness ▪ Objective: Increase consumer base to install a new pillar of growth in Asia by durably penetrating the nighttime occasion ▪ Target: emerging Chinese Gen-Y ▪ Channel: Tier 1&2 cities MOT2 ▪ Key assumptions: No/limited trade-down impact on Hennessy (equity and consumers) and capacity of Hennessy to attract younger consumers A new brand created to specifically target the Chinese Gen Y in the on-trade with an original adopted brand persona that, while offering an entry level proposition, remains true to Hennessy’s standards of excellence and luxury. “Shine I am”, express my vibrant personality 206 64 by the case National launch in China in 2011 TOTAL of 7,9 Mio € in 2013 (A&P: 7,8 Mio market, 125K Maison) Description Positioning RSP Timeframe Investments Expected Impact – what will success look like? Increase NA (penetration) ▪ # kcn: + 95 KCM ▪ Number of consumers: +xxx ▪ Market share : +x pts ▪ Trial: + xx Increase Awareness ▪ Brand awareness ranking: + 10,6 pt ▪ Share of voice: + x% Financial impact ▪ COP: 4,80 MEUR ▪ Marginal Income: XX€ Timeframe to be specified and KPIs fine-tuned by project Packaging Communication story Communication medium Merchandising Ritual/mode Price Moment Liquid SOURCE: Based on Hennessy Budget TOPAZ 2013

12 3 : STILL PICTURES AND FURTHER DESCRIPTION FREE NUMBER OF PAGES / PICTURES This section is to add any information you deem necessary: Detailed description of the initiative’s concept & mechanism if need be; All complementary explanation to the 6 page presentation, for example : detailed figures table to prove sales results; Pictures, as many as you want and in high definition if possible Videos.

13 Attach videos as needed to present your entry. Directly up-loaded while your are on the application website ATTACHMENTS (OPTIONAL) : VIDEOS, ILLUSTRATING THE INITIATIVE

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