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2002 Rex L. Powell Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD

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1 2002 Rex L. Powell Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD Update on Interbull

2 NAAB IMC-IP (2) R.L. Powell 2002 Annual Meetings  Open, business, and SC meetings  May 2002, Switzerland  August 2003, Italy  Technical workshop  March 2003, Beltsville  Topics:  Longevity  Calving ease  Female fertility

3 NAAB IMC-IP (3) R.L. Powell 2002 August Run Changes Relatively quiet – with only a few changes: BSW type (not official in US) IRL new data excluded Improved data verification

4 NAAB IMC-IP (4) R.L. Powell 2002 September Test Run GUE first run for type BSW overall conformation added JPN included for production & type NZL included overall conformation AUT and DEU BSW data combined Flemish part of BEL joined NLD Walloon part of BEL moved to TDM

5 NAAB IMC-IP (5) R.L. Powell 2002 Second Country Rule Tested Requirement DaughtersHerds HOL15050 GUE3010 Other8020 or AI sampled and official

6 NAAB IMC-IP (6) R.L. Powell 2002 BSW Type Test Run Results Bulls with most daughters in the USA (%) Bulls with USA daughters and USA is source (%) Overall1418 Top 50 Bulls for: Stature1218 Fore Udder2032 Udder Support2842 Udder Depth1216 Chest Width1420 Angularity3246 Rump Angle1418 Foot Angle612

7 NAAB IMC-IP (7) R.L. Powell 2002 Websites   Publications & bulletins  Evaluation summaries   Documents  Downloadable files  Access to all evaluations

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