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Extended Response We will be exploring the requirements of the extended response.

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Presentation on theme: "Extended Response We will be exploring the requirements of the extended response."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extended Response We will be exploring the requirements of the extended response.

2 So, what is an extended response? You will produce an extended response (essay) on a question of your choice – from any of the 3 contexts you have studied.

3 Format O 1000 words O Plan of 150 words O You will write the extended response in 1 hour O It will then be sent (with your plan) to be externally assessed by the SQA.

4 Important Dates Week 1 Thursday 17 th & Friday 18 th O Choosing a question O Working on a plan

5 Important Dates Week 2 Tuesday 21 st – Friday 24 th Feb O Researching to build evidence and analysis.

6 Important Dates Week 3 Tuesday 28 th Feb O Continue researching Thursday 1 st March & Friday 2 nd March O Completed basic 1 st draft

7 Important Dates Week 4 Tuesday 6 th – Friday 9 th March O Make improvements as highlighted by teacher O Hand in basic 2 nd draft on Friday 9 th.

8 Important Dates Week 5 Tuesday 13 th – Friday 16 th March O Make improvements as indicated by teacher O 3 rd draft to be handed in on Friday 16th

9 Important Dates Week 6 Tuesday 20 th March O Write up your 150 word plan Thursday 22 nd & Friday 23 rd March O Preparation for write up

10 Important Dates Week 7 Tuesday 27 th March O Final prep Thursday 29 th March O Write up

11 Structure Your extended response is an essay with 3 components. O Introduction O Main Development (divided into paragraphs) O Conclusion

12 Examples O How successful was non-violent protest in the struggle for Civil Rights between 1955 and 1965? O To what extent was the KKK to blame for the inequalities faced by Southern Blacks in the 1920s and 1930s. O Why was the death of Alexander III so problematic for Scotland from 1286-1292? O Explain why a Cold War developed between the USSR and the USA after WWII. O To what extent was the USSR to blame for the Cuban missile crisis?

13 INTRODUCTION STEP ONE: Set the scene Write an opening paragraph that sets the essay in context. BACKGROUND. STEP TWO: Refer directly to the question REMIND THE MARKER OF YOUR QUESTION. STEP THREE: State what the essay will include This essay will explain and analyse…. INTRODUCE MAIN ARGUMENTS OF ESSAY!

14 DEVELOPMENT  Each point/argument should have it’s own paragraph. ach paragraph should be around 100-200 words  An essay should include 3 – 4 paragraphs

15 Constructing a paragraph O Topic Sentence - base of your paragraph – introduces your point/argument. O Evidence - Historiography - Quotes/Statistical figures O Analysis -Weigh up arguments. Show balance. O Concluding sentence - Link back to the question and to the next paragraph

16 CONCLUSION Answer the question directly and summarises the evidence. Discuss all the different areas. Include historical perspectives. Do you think that a particular area is more important? Why?

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