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Antar Abdellah.  Skills: Listening – Speaking- Reading – Writing  Elements: vocabulary – grammar- pronunciation – culture;  -adults: placement test.

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Presentation on theme: "Antar Abdellah.  Skills: Listening – Speaking- Reading – Writing  Elements: vocabulary – grammar- pronunciation – culture;  -adults: placement test."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antar Abdellah

2  Skills: Listening – Speaking- Reading – Writing  Elements: vocabulary – grammar- pronunciation – culture;  -adults: placement test “all levels test”…  reading, grammar, writing, listening,…  Scope and sequence

3  According to function:  Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions  School, sleep, happy, quickly, and, on  According to word structure:  Roots, prefixes, suffixes  Auto-bio-graph-y  Cv: curriculum vitae

4  Mal-  Anti  Mis-  Non-  Pseudo  Contra, contro  Dis  Micro-  Macro-  Semi-,hemi-  Bi-  Du-  Mono-  Multi-  Tri-  Pre-  Post-  Bene-  Hydro-  Hyper  Hypo-

5 nounsadjectives  -tion, sion, ion  -age  -ance,ence  -cy  -ism  -ment  -tude  -ness  -ity  -ary,ory  -ship  -hood  -dom  -ery  -able,ible  -ic  -ern  -ish  -al,ial  -y,ly  -an  -ive  -ous,ious  -less  -ate  -ful

6  Familiarize Ss with teaching techniques  Enabling Ss to select teaching techniques  Encouraging Ss to participate in vocabulary activities  Encouraging Ss to infer meaning of new vocabulary  Training Ss on using drills in teaching vocabulary

7  1- point to the object,  2- pronounce the word  3- Ss repeat  4- use different techniques  5- write the word  6- Ss read the word  7- use the word in a sentence  8- Ss use the word in sentences of their own

8  The meaning  The pronunciation  The spelling  The use  The Derivations  special connotations  Collocations  Synonyms and antonyms

9  Context:  Through a senetnce  Especially with abstract words  Ex: the doctor asked her to stay in bed for a week because she was very ill yesterday.

10  Describing out-of-reach concrete objects that are hard to draw quickly  Ex: a giraffe is an animal with a long neck, and dark brown spots on its yellow skin.

11  Effective especially in a place full of objects like a farm or zoo (animals), museum (artifacts), laboratory (chemical substances).  Objects; especially concrete things  Drawings; tree, flower, ladder  Mime; action verbs; sleep, run, eat 

12  Words that have similar, but not exact, meanings;  Costly, expensive  Film, movie  Gift, present  Antonyms  Words that are opposite in meaning; strong, weak, happy, sad  Gradability of opposites; hot and cold.

13  His wife likes nobody  Nobody likes his wife

14  Especially used with things that are hard to draw quickly  Or that include many items that can be taught in one lesson

15  Used for showing differences among abstract words or data

16  Last resort  Only when Ss do not understand after using some of the previous techniques  Elicit the Arabic word from the Ss, do not say it your self.  Ali’s brother is naughty; he does not do his homework, he makes a noise  What is the meaning of naughty?  شقي  That’s right, repeat “naughty”.

17  Odd one out  Blank is blank  Error categorization  Discrimination task  Segmenting  Correct me  Sentence sense  Ranking preferences  Semantic clues  Proofreading  Sentence formation  Multiple choice  Word jumbles  Related words  Vocabulary quiz  Crossword puzzle  Either-or questions  pp. 132-142

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