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Ancient Rome Pompeii The Lost City 79 A.D.. Common Core 6.G.1- Understand geographic factors that influenced the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations,

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Rome Pompeii The Lost City 79 A.D.. Common Core 6.G.1- Understand geographic factors that influenced the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Rome Pompeii The Lost City 79 A.D.

2 Common Core 6.G.1- Understand geographic factors that influenced the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations, societies and regions (i.e. Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas) over time 6.G.2- Apply the tools of a geographer to understand the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations, societies and regions. 6.H.1- Use historical thinking to understand the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations, societies and regions over time.

3 Clarifying Objective 6.G.1.3- Compare distinguishing characteristics of various world regions (e.g., physical features, culture, political organization and ethnic make-up) 6.G.2.1-Use maps, charts, graphs, geographic data and available technology tools to draw conclusions about the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations, societies and regions. 6.H.1.2- Summarize the literal meaning of historical documents in order to establish context.

4 What are we going to learn? What the lost city of Pompeii was Where it was located Story of Pompeii Where did it go and why is it lost

5 What was the lost city of Pompeii? Roman City that had about 20,000 people Surrounded by beautiful mountains Loyal to Rome Vacation Destination

6 Where was it located? Italy Tyrrhenian Sea 160 acres

7 Story of Pompeii (The City) Pompeii was a beautiful, busy city There were… – Buildings – Statues – Fountains

8 Story of Pompeii (The City) A man makes his way to the temple for afternoon prayers

9 Story of Pompeii (The City) A woman holding her baby walks across the street in search of which foods to bring home from the market

10 Story of Pompeii (The City) Friends enjoy an ancient celebration Later they will climb the stairs to where they will finish the celebration by partaking in a meal

11 Story of Pompeii (The City) A potter continues to practice his craft turning out pot after pot to sell at the market

12 Pompeii (A Giant Roars) One of the mountains was a volcano Vesuvius Pompeian did not know that it was volcanic Lava was blocked by a huge rock inside the volcano Created a huge amount of pressure

13 Pompeii (A City Stops) On August 4 th 79 A.D Ear shattering burst rips through the city The City stops People come out of their homes to see what the noise was

14 Pompeii (Mount Vesuvius) Black cloud of hot ash and rock rises into the air Millions of tons of ash and rock rise It blew over 12 miles into the air Pompeans did everything to take cover or run

15 Pompeii (Taking Cover) Hid in the basement Hid in their houses Sat against the walls of the city

16 Pompeii (Downfall of the City) When the citizens tried to run… The streets were built too narrow There were too many people and they all crowded together trying to get out of the city Nobody could move anywhere

17 Pompeii (How they died) The black cloud that had risen above Mount Vesuvius came crashing down It came rolling down the hill like a black avalanche Came so fast it covered everyone in its path Nobody could outrun the cloud of ash & rock barreling down the mountain

18 Pompeii (Covering the City) Volcanic ash settled on the city Covered by 16 feet of Volcanic ash and rocks Then a cloud of more ash raced down the mountain at over 70 miles per hour It was more than 1300 degrees The ash from the volcano fell for more than 24 hours and covered everything

19 Pompeii (How they died) Praying at the alter to be saved realizing it was too late to escape

20 Pompeii (How they died) Clutching her baby as she ran through the streets desperately trying to find a way to escape

21 Pompeii (How they died) Running up the stairs looking for a way to escape

22 Pompeii (How they died) A potter hides amongst a shelf he had built to store his pots

23 Pompeii (How they died) Jumping, pushing, shoving trying to get through the narrow streets to safety

24 Pompeii (The Rains Came) Rains came preserving everything Rain hardened the ash and made a cast mold of everything Bodies kept their shape leaving tremendous detail about how they lived

25 Pompeii (New Towns) As time passed, new towns were built over what used to be Pompeii Only hint that Pompeii even existed was the Legend of “La Citta) Italian for (The lost city) Oral Tradition

26 Pompeii (The Discovery) Accident 1594- workers found ruins made of marble while digging a ditch Brought in Dominico Fontana He discovered more artwork & paintings Covered them back up – Viewed as inappropriate in those days Rediscovered in the 1860’s

27 Why was Pompeii Important? Gives scientists & archeologists a chance to see how people lived in those days Well preserved, which provided great detail – Bodies – Gardens – Artwork & buildings Shows that the Legend of LA Citta was true

28 Movie deconstructed#pompeii-deconstructed deconstructed#pompeii-deconstructed H7E8 H7E8 U4B4 U4B4

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